
Combinatorial decision making and optimization project

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

VLSI Design

Combinatorial decision making and optimization project by Luca Fabri and Giuseppe Morgese

VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) refers to the trend of integrating circuits into silicon chips. A typical example is the smartphone. The modern trend of shrinking transistor sizes, allowing engineers to fit more and more transistors into the same area of silicon, has pushed the integration of more and more functions of cellphone circuitry into a single silicon die (i.e. plate).

As the combinatorial decision and optimization expert, the student is assigned to design the VLSI of the circuits defining their electrical device: given a fixed-width plate and a list of rectangular circuits, decide how to place them on the plate so that the length of the final device is minimized.

The purpose of this project is to model and solve the chosen problem using (i) Constraint Programming (CP), (ii) propositional SATisfiability (SAT) and/or its extension to Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT), and (iii) Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MIP).

Each subdirectory contains a src directory, a README file with the specifications on how to run the solver and a report, which describes the modeling and developing phases done by the project members.

  • The SAT subpart was implemented using the the Z3 Python API, an high performance theorem prover
  • CP was written using Minizinc, a constraint programming language
  • LP was developed using PuLP, an LP modeler written in Python, which makes use of CPLEX solver.