
This gem was developed to facilitate through the CLI management processes running ruby programs.

Primary LanguageRuby


This gem was developed to facilitate the creation and management processes in rails projects.


From Gemfile

gem 'fcl_rails_daemon'

Then run:

$ bundle

Or only install:

$ gem install fcl_rails_daemon


After installation you need to create the directories and configuration files for this run

$ fcld --configure

Will be created:

  • config/fcld_rails_daemon.rb (File where the commands are recorded)
  • tmp/pids/fcld.yml (Pids file where the commands are recorded)
  • lib/fcl_rails_daemon/command_sample.rb (A command template)

How to use?

[--create] Create a new command

$ fcld --create my_first_command
  • Add the command file in lib/fcl_rails_daemon
  • Records the command in config/fcl_rails_daemon.rb

[--destroy] Destroy a command

$ fcld --destroy my_first_command
  • Remove the command file in lib/fcl_rails_daemon
  • Remove record of the command in config/fcl_rails_daemon.rb

[--help] Displays the manual for commands and options

$ fcld --help

[--pids] Displays the pids of the commands registered

$ fcld --pids

[--logs] Displays the logs files for each registered command

$ fcld --logs

[start|stop|restart|status] Performs action for all registered commands

$ fcld start

[--env] Sets the environment for Rails application

$ fcld --env production start

[--command] Individual action to run a registered command

$ fcld --command my_first_command start

[--process_name] Sets a name to be assigned to the process (by default the name is the name of the command)

$ fcld --command my_first_command --process_name foo_my_first_command start