
A collection of code I wrote during secondary school. Do not run this code ;)

Primary LanguageJava

Do not run this code

This repo is a collection of all the code I wrote during secondary school. The oldest code in this repo is from when I was 13.


An ill-fated program to encrypt and decrypt messages using RSA. This software directly encrypts the message using raw RSA, which is woefully insecure and easy to crack :)

This in itself would be fine, however I published this software on the internet. If I recall correctly it got several thousand downloads..


This was the first C code I wrote. An (attempted) implementation of the game Bao


A Brainfuck to C "compiler"....


Older iterations of DroidPad.

  • AndroidPad: original C# client (this is the first C# I wrote, oh boy does it show)
  • droidpad-android: a much earlier version of the Android server.
  • droidpad-linux: original C++ Linux GTK client (before I wrote a cross-platform client in wxWidgets C++)


Me figuring out how C and C++ work.

roughly-2009/Mandelbrot proof

"A better written version of the Mandelbrot fractal". I don't think so ;)


An older version of Patchworker.


Check out bright.c. I used to have this file setuid root on my laptop. Little did I know about input sanitisation ;)


A program that takes a set of images and stitches them together.


A program that takes an image and splits it into small pieces.


An interactive click-to-move maze, written in PHP and SQL injection ;)


A fully implemented but never shipped multiplayer trading simulation game, written in PHP.


Bright Day

Back before Android phones had light sensors, this app set your brightness to bright in daytime, and dim at night.


Some friends and I wanted to write a PC game. We... didn't get very far.


This is a level editor for roughly-2011/Physics Land.


This is a level editor for roughly-2011/spacegame, written in C++.


An incomplete Sudoku game.


Network Spoofer v1. This version started life as a series of shell scripts packed into a Debian chroot ;)


A webapp that aggregates user-suggested estimations via SMS message for a class


An attempt at recording home energy usage data from this home energy monitor solution.


After realising that "TheOwl" home energy monitor mentioned above was (in my opinion) unreliable and inaccurate I cut the end off the CT coil and attached it to a Voltage divider and a microcontroller. This was much more interesting as you could see the actual 50Hz waveform. I (with parental supervision) drilled a hole through the wall in my parents' house so that I could wire this up to the home server and collected per-second power usage for 2 years.


A fully implemented but never shipped multiplayer trading simulation game, this time written in Java.

roughly-2011/Physics Land

Some sort of physics simulation game. I don't think this got very far.


A very-nearly completed game in which the player bounces around planets with simulated gravity. I never published this game as my plan was to sell it: perfect was clearly not better than done :(

This game went through many iterations: at first I hand-rolled the physics code as well as the rendering code; I then rewrote the rendering to use raw OpenGL. I eventually replaced my buggy physics engine with Box2D.


A game to help you put names to faces. Never finished.


An unfinished but in my opinion fascinating project. This Android app built on Network Spoofer to use ARP cache poisoning to bring internet back to your home network when your ISP went down.

This app overrode Android's wifi manager to connect to Wifi and cellular data at the same time, then used ARP cache poisoning to steal all traffic from the Wifi network. It then routed it out over the cellular network.

tl;dr: your home internet goes down, you start this app up and you magically have internet on your existing network again.


A game that shows you a picture of a llama or duck and you have to guess which one it is. Built in freshers week of university with Alex Bate.

The fun part about this app is that someone threatened to sue me over it; they also had an app that showed you a picture of a llama or a duck, and mine was (a) better (as measured by Google Play ratings) and (b) didn't have ads. Fortunately they never got lawyers involved ;)


A mandelbrot renderer written in OpenCL with bignum arithmetic. I wrote a sort-of bignum implementation in OpenCL in which the 64-bit implementation just used native instructions, and the 128-bit implementation used the 64-bit implementation and the Karatsuba algorithm. Use of C macros allowed arbitrary recursion using this half-width implementation and the app could recompile the kernel when the precision limit was reached.