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yarn add antd-omi-icons --save
npm install antd-omi-icons --save
First, you should add the icons that you need into the library.
import { WeElement, h, tag } from 'omi'
import 'antd-omi-icons/lib/es/icons/AccountBookFilled'
After that, you can use antd icons in your Omi components as simply as this:
<o-account-book-filled />
Meanwhile, you can also import it by specific name like this
import { AccountBookFilled } from 'antd-omi-icons/lib/es/icons'
import AccountBookFilled from 'antd-omi-icons/lib/es/icons/AccountBookFilled'
then use it as this:
<AccountBookFilled />
If your project moudle type is commonjs, replace es
with cjs
in the path when you using require
If you want to import the full amount of icons, you can do as follows
esm project:
import 'antd-omi-icons/lib/es'
cjs project:
bundle.run https://bundle.run/antd-omi-icons
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/omi@6.25.3/dist/omi.min.js"></script> <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/antd-omi-icons@0.0.25/lib/umd/antd-omi-icons.min.js"></script>