Serverless Framework CRUD API on AWS

This is a basic Notes application, with CRUD support. Build out using API Gateway, AWS Lambda and AWS DynamoDB. All of infrastructure build out using Serverless Framework, and GitHub Actions for CI/CD process.





$ serverless deploy

After deploying, you should see output similar to:

Deploying aws-apigateway-crud to stage dev (us-east-1)

✔ Service deployed to stack aws-apigateway-crud (152s)

endpoint: GET -
  getNotes: aws-apigateway-crud-getNotes (1.9 kB)

Note: In current form, after deployment, your API is public and can be invoked by anyone. For production deployments, you might want to configure an authorizer. For details on how to do that, refer to http event docs.


After successful deployment, you can call the created application via HTTP:


Which should result in response similar to the following (removed input content for brevity):

  "message": "Items retrieved.",
  "notes": {

Local development

You can invoke your function locally by using the following command:

serverless invoke local --function getNotes

Which should result in response similar to the following:

  "statusCode": 200,
  "body": "{\n  \"message\": \"Items retrieved.\",\n  
  \"notes\": \"[]\"\n}"

Alternatively, it is also possible to emulate API Gateway and Lambda locally by using serverless-offline plugin. In order to do that, execute the following command:

serverless plugin install -n serverless-offline

It will add the serverless-offline plugin to devDependencies in package.json file as well as will add it to plugins in serverless.yml.

After installation, you can start local emulation with:

serverless offline

To learn more about the capabilities of serverless-offline, please refer to its GitHub repository.