
[TYPO3] [standalone] Content summary generator for TYPO3

Primary LanguagePHP

ContentSummary - Record types use cases tracking tool for TYPO3


WTP / Binary Owl Forever / wolo.pl '.' studio 2024

It helps you to:

  • Prepare a clear table of found content types, plugins, FCEs, frames.
  • What is used where and how many of them... (...you'll have to repair, if it breaks during update.)
  • Get direct links to each type examples - find them all quickly to control if they still work after update.
  • Whether that cave-era-accordion, which uses that old problematic js lib, is really still needed.
  • Analyze chart of rootline parents of all pages found containing selected contenttype/plugin to check if maybe all instances on pages that are already deleted or unavailable publicly for years

What does it do exactly:

It connects to TYPO3's database, iterates all tt_contents in groups by:
CType, list_type, frame_class, imageorient, header_layout, tx_templavoilaplus_ds. Then summarizes each part, grouped by values with use count and pids where are found /direct links to each. Going into details of each type value (ie. details of list_type=news_pi1) shows the rootline paths for each occurrence (marking hidden pages), so you have clearly visualized whether any instances of that plugin are used/visible anywhere. Also, it dumps main summary into csv and/or html.


Q: How to use?
A: It's typo3-independent, so run from anywhere. Temporary include somewhere in project's global scope php, ie. in AdditionalConfiguration_host.php. That way you have database configuration. Or put the db credentials right into ContentSummary.php (in 8.x format) and call file directly.

Q: Which TYPO3 versions/branches does it support?
A: These which have fields list_type and Ctype in tt_content table, so basically all since 4.x to 10.x should work. For some fields to work (tt_content frames and templavoila stuff) you need to set the compatVersion option to an int of major version. You only must set the database credentials in the format like below / 8.x form.

Q: Why it keeps making .csv/.html files on every run? A: Usually I need it in csv to analyse, so I decided to save it always by default. You can disable this behaviour in config.


Just set the options inside the main script if need to:

baseDomain: (string)
    default = https:// + $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']
    Full base url, to make nice direct links to pages with found occurrences. Usually works OK by itself.

autosaveCSV: (int/bool)
    default = 0
    Save summary in CSV on every run. Disable, if it bothers you. If not, just keep deleting them. 

autosaveHTML: (int/bool)
    default = 0
    Dump main summary HTML output on every run. (You will come back here anyway to check something you forgot, so maybe just keep this on) 

fileDumpPath: (string)
    default = ''
    Where to save them, if not to current dir

debug: (int/bool)
    default = 0
    Display dev info, like SQL queries

versionCompat: (int)
	default = 10
	Handle db structure differences between major branches, currently afair only setting "6" sets tt_content frame field to 
	section_frame and old templavoila tables / fields (without +)

makeSummaryFor: (array[string])
	default = [... all available]
	Selection which summary tables to build. Array of keynames for each analyse. For details check code/default config.

mode_include: (int/bool)
	default: null
	Deactivate standalone functionality and act like a normal class for inclusion. Then you can get the analysis in your code and make a good use from.
	IMPORTANT - This setting works slightly different, you don't put it in config, but set the array $GLOBALS['ContentSummaryConfig']['mode_include']
	to any positive value, BEFORE including the class.