
Project Website


Branches approach_0, approach_1, and approach_2 contain the code to the corresponding approach described on the project website. The SIFT feature matching baseline can be found under sift and can be run with eval_sift.py.

Process Dataset

Run from the repo's root directory, python process_data.py <path/to/scene/data> <full/path/to/target/images> <path/to/data> where <path/to/scene/data> is the YCB data directory, <full/path/to/target/images> is the generated target image directory, and <path/to/data> is the processed dataset that stores the images and bounding boxes.

Each scene image corresponds to

  1. scene image (e.g. 000000_scene.png)
  2. bounding box file (e.g. 000000.npy)
  3. ten target images (e.g. 000000_target_0000.png - 000000_target_0009.png)

<path/to/data>/class.npy contains the class label for each scene image.

To Train

  1. Run moments.py --data-dir=<path/to/data> where path/to/data is where the images and bounding boxes are store. This script generates a moments.npz file used during training to normalize the images.
  2. Run train.py <path/to/data> ... where path/to/data is where the images, bounding boxes and moments.npz file. Specify any other arguments, replacing ... with them, which are defined in train.py. You can also specify other arguments in constants.py if you don't want to deal with command line arguments.
  3. Training will produce tensorboard logs and save the model in nets/run_id where run_id is some timestamp of the experiment.


You can modify the feature extractor network in feature_net.py. The bounding box network can be found in bb_net.py and predicts the bounding box from the combined features of the scene and target images.

Data generation (target images)

python data_gen.py --model-dir ../YCB_Video_Models/models/002_master_chef_can --output-dir ../YCB_Video_Models/models/002_master_chef_can/target/ --image-size <width> <height>

Download small dataset using gdown

 gdown https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/11QVBhEkmpfFzsDrs5Dj59f9HOijNtCnH -O <dataset-dir> --folder