
Pagination for Angular2

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Angular2 Pagination

This is a work-in-progress port of my angular-utils-pagination module from Angular 1.x to Angular 2.

It is not yet well production-tested and is currently missing a few features, but I hope to bring it eventually to full feature-parity with the 1.x version.

The API will not quite be the same, but it should be significantly simpler and easier to develop than the 1.x version (I hope).


Check out the live demo here: http://michaelbromley.github.io/ng2-pagination/

To play with the demo, just clone this repo and start editing the files in the /demo folder. The index for the demo is index.html in the root folder.


I am currently working with TypeScript 1.7.3, so these instructions may not work with earlier versions.

npm install ng2-pagination --save

Example of usage

import {Component} from 'angular2/core';
import {CORE_DIRECTIVES} from 'angular2/common';
import {PaginatePipe, PaginationControlsCmp, PaginationService} from 'ng2-pagination';

    selector: 'my-component',
    template: `
      <li *ngFor="#item of collection | paginate: [ITEMS_PER_PAGE or CONFIG_OBJECT] "> ... </li>
    directives: [CORE_DIRECTIVES, PaginationControlsCmp],
    pipes: [PaginatePipe],
    providers: [PaginationService]
export class MyComponent {

    public collection: any[];  

    constructor(private dataService: DataService) {

    ngInit() {
          .subscribe(result => this.collection = result);




The PaginatePipe should be placed at the end of an NgFor expression. It accepts a single argument, which should be either a number or an object confirming to IPaginationInstance. If the argument is a number, the number sets the value of itemsPerPage.

Using an object allows some more advanced configuration. The following config options are available:

interface IPaginationInstance {
     * An optional ID for the pagination instance. Only useful if you wish to
     * have more than once instance at a time in a given component.
    id?: string;
     * The number of items per paginated page.
    itemsPerPage: number;
     * The current (active) page.
    currentPage: number;
     * The total number of items in the collection. Only useful when
     * doing server-side paging, where the collection size is limited
     * to a single page returned by the server API.
     * For in-memory paging, this property should not be set, as it
     * will be automatically set to the value of  collection.length.
    totalItems?: number;


<pagination-controls  id="some_id"
  • id [string] If you need to support more than one instance of pagination at a time, set the id and ensure it matches the id set in the PaginatePipe config.
  • change [function] The function specified will be invoked whenever the page changes via a click on one of the pagination controls. The $event argument will be the number of the new page.
  • maxSize [number] Defines the maximum number of page links to display. Default is 7.
  • autoHide [boolean] If set to true, the pagination controls will not be displayed when all items in the collection fit onto the first page. Default is false

To Do

The following features from the 1.x version have not yet been implemented:

  • Handling of multiple independent instances within the same component.
  • Server-side paging support
  • Page-change event support
  • Custom template support
  • Various style options for the pagination controls template
  • Full test suite

I have written a few tests, but right now I am waiting for the Angular team to publish some guidelines on how best to test components.


To build, first run npm install to get all the dev dependencies. Then you can use the npm run build script to compile the TypeScript and generate the definition files. npm run test will fire up Karma with the Webpack plugin to run the tests.
