
:open_file_folder: MacForge plugin that changes the Expose highlight color on macOS

Primary LanguageObjective-C

This is a Parasite Extension that changes the color of selected window border in Exposé.



  1. Disable SIP and Install Parasite.

  2. Get the code and compile:

    git clone https://github.com/husile/DockExposeHighlight
    cd DockExposeHighlight && xcodebuild
  3. Copy the compiled bundle into /Library/Parasite/Extensions and restart Dock:

    sudo cp -rfv build/Release/DockExposeHighlight.bundle /Library/Parasite/Extensions
    killall Dock


sudo rm -rfv /Library/Parasite/Extensions/DockExposeHighlight.bundle && killall Dock

Run Parasite installer again if you need to further uninstall Parasite.

##License Do whatever you want. Please use it at your own risk.

##Note El Capitan only. For older versions of OS X, please read here.