
Repo for hosting cheatsheets for cheatmenu

Primary LanguagePython


Cheatmenu Sheets

Cheat sheets for convenient reminding yourself what keys to press and what commands to execute.

Sheets overviewHow to create a cheatsheetWhere to put a converter

Cheat sheets are a core of the cheatmenu. They're used to generate a dynamic application selection menu and cheat list itself.

If you have JSON then convert it to YAML or YAML files with a hotkeys or any useful application commands, submit them via pull request or Github issues to populate the list.

Sheets overview

The symbol (+) indicates the presence of a script for converting the modified config into a YAML file (relevant only for cheat sheets with hotkeys).

burpsuite (+) hotkey
nmap command
docker command

How to create a cheatsheet

A cheat sheet is defined in a YAML file with following structure:

application: application-name
- action: description-1
  command: command-1
- action: description-2
  command: command-2
- action: description-3
  command: command-3
# Add more shortcuts...

Each YAML file is located in the application name directory inside the "sheets" directory.

├── burpsuite.yaml
└── converter
    └── burp2yaml.py
└── docker.yaml
└── nmap.yaml

Example 1

YAML file for Burp Suite cheatsheet

application: burpsuite
- action: Send to repeater
  command: Ctrl+R
- action: Send to intruder
  command: Ctrl+I
- action: Send to organizer
  command: Ctrl+O
- action: Forward intercepted proxy message
  command: Ctrl+F
- action: Toggle proxy interception
  command: Ctrl+T

Example 2

YAML file for nmap cheatsheet

application: nmap
- action: Find NSE scripts
  command: locate .nse | grep ftp
- action: Help manual for scripts
  command: nmap --script-help ftp-anon
- action: Scan a target using all NSE scripts. May take an hour to complete.
  command: nmap -p 80 --script=all
- action: Filter all the IPs from result file
  command: grep -o '[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[1-9]\{1,3\}' alive.xml | uniq
- action: Initial scan TCP
  command: nmap -sC -sV -O -oA nmap/initial
- action: Discover hosts via ICMP requests
  command: sudo nmap -sn -PE --disable-arp-ping --source-port 53
- action: Agressively scan all ports
  command: nmap -p- -sV -A -T4 scanme.nmap.org
- action: Insert data to all of the ICMP packets
  command: sudo nmap -sn -PE --data-string 'randddo' --disable-arp-ping --source-port 53

Where to put a converter

The converter should be able to work from the command line and be able to get the name of the configuration file through an argument or flag.

If you have found a way to convert the modified config to a YAML file, put the converter script in the "converter" folder inside the cheat sheet folder

For example, a converter for Burp Suite config is located in burpsuite/converter directory.

├── burpsuite.yaml
└── converter
    └── burp2yaml.py