
Android 3.1 introduces Launch controls on stopped applications: http://developer.android.com/about/versions/android-3.1.html#launchcontrols . However, there are no such features on android 2.3, and some devices didn't implement it at all.

The module hajacks several system api to prevent the broadcast being sent to the prevented packages. Furthermore, it applies to system packages too, specially, support google play services.

Please note, this application prevents following actions:

  • (when prevents) suicide in activity, which will restart service
  • (when prevents) move task to background
  • (when prevents) start home activity

WARNING: please don't prevents system pacakges nor daily packages. Otherwise, you may miss important information.

"Prevent Running" should work from android 2.3 to 5.1. However, I mainly use 5.1.

How to use:

  1. install "Prevent Running", activate it in "Xposed Installer", reboot.
  2. open "Prevent Running", then add/remove application to/from prevent list.
  3. use android normally, press back or remove it from recent task to exit, and press home for pause.

If you don't like "auto prevent" added packages, please prevent "Prevent Running".

And "Prevent Running" would keep "cached" processes, of cource it cannot turn to "service".

Special Search:

  • -3 for third party apps
  • -s for system apps
  • -e for non-prevent apps
  • -r for running apps
  • -g for gapps, i.e. apps from google
  • -sg for system apps excluding gapps

Project: https://github.com/liudongmiao/ForceStopGB , any donations are welcome.


安卓3.1对强行停止的程序引入了启动控制( http://developer.android.com/about/versions/android-3.1.html#launchcontrols )。但是,在2.3没有这个功能,而有些安卓4.X的设备根本没有实现。再者,很多流氓,总是有办法不断启动。



  • (当程序被阻止时) 自杀,如搜狗地图。
  • (当程序被阻止时) 程序自己移到后台,如微信。
  • (当程序被阻止时) 程序启动HOME,如微博。




  1. 安装“阻止运行”,在Xposed Installer中激活它,重启(必须)。
  2. 重启后,打开“阻止运行”,配置“阻止列表”(这个只需要一次)。
  3. 正常使用手机,临时退出时按HOME,不用时按返回键退出或者从最近列表划掉。




  • -3 用户安装的第三方程序
  • -s 系统预装的程序
  • -e 没有阻止的程序
  • -r 正在运行的程序
  • -g 谷歌家族的程序
  • -sg 除谷歌家族外的系统程序

“阻止运行”开源,项目地址:https://github.com/liudongmiao/ForceStopGB ,欢迎各式捐赠,以身相许除外。