
Meal ordering coordination system

Primary LanguageRuby

Meal ordering coordination system

Build Status Heroku


Proposition for conceptual model

Conceptual model

Accepted rules

Directory api contains source code related to back-end part of the system.

Directory angular contains files connected with front-end part.

Similar rules apply to the commit messages.

Active order has status: Created/Finalized/Ordered

History order has status: Delivered/Canceled


I've prepared a few specs for controllers and models using rspec. You can execute them by: rspec spec/ inside api directory.


I've tried angular2-jsonapi, but at the time isn't too stable...

datatable-row-detail-template not working with nested *ngFor.

How start?


cd /api
bundle install
rake db:setup
rails s


cd /angular
npm install
npm start

Remember setting ENV['GITHUB_KEY'] and ENV['GITHUB_SECRET']! Check also files: angular/src/app/home.html and api/app/controllers/sessions_controller.rb

The Heroku version is available here.

In Heroku version are few differences to meet requirements OAuth mechanism.