
I have created my own Telegram Bot using a python wrapper

Getting Started:

  • Search for PrtPrmr_Bot in your Telegram App on your mobile/windows/mac
    • Please replace PrtPrmr_Bot with your bot name if you are planning on replicating the code
  • Start interacting with the Bot. It's that easy!

Some Functionalities:

Definition and example of a word

  • Command: def
  • Usage: /def word
  • If an example for the word is available then the command returns an example as well
  • Example:
    • /def intense
    • Definition: of extreme force, degree, or strength
      Example: the job demands intense concentration

Weather for the given place

  • Command: w
  • For the purpose of this, I have decided to use Dark Sky Weather API.
    • Dark Sky API requires Latitude and Longitude
    • In order to get the Latitude and Longitude, I am using Google's Geo-Coding API
    • The place is passed to Google's Geo-Coding API, which returns Latitude and Longitude of the given place
    • The Latitude and Longitude is then passed to Dark Sky Weather API to get the weather
  • Added InlineKeyboard functionality to select Celsius and Fahrenheit units of temperature
  • Usage: /w place
  • Example:
    • /w boston
    • Currently the temperature is 8°C
      Summary: Mostly cloudy throughout the day.
      Today it will vary from 8°C to 15°C

Get a random meme

  • Usage: /ha | /haha | /hahaha
    • Added a regex functionality to the command so you can use ha as a command as many times

Get a random cute dog photo! <3 Aww!!!

  • Usage: /aw | /aww | /awww
    • Added a regex functionality, so that you can use the command aw with any numbers w follwing aw

Get a random joke :D

  • Command: joke
  • Usage: /joke
  • Provides a random joke everytime
  • Will add functionality to toggle NSFW feature

Handling Unknown Commands

  • If a command is given which is currently not available, then you will get a reply Invalid Command


  • Create a file
  • Add variables in the file:
    • telegram_key: Your Telegram Bot Token
    • dark_sky_key: Dark Sky Weather API
    • geocoding_key: Google's Geo-Coding API
    • oxford_id: Oxford Dictionary API ID
    • oxford_key: Oxford Dictionary API Key
  • The script uses API from:

If you have any suggestions or just want to chat, feel free to reach me