TelegramNotification Plugin for Graylog
TelegramNotification allows you to send Graylog alert messages to a specified Telegram chat.
Requires Graylog 3.1 or later. It's recommended to use the latest Graylog release.
Download the latest TelegramNotification release and place the
file in yourplugin_dir
that is configured in yourgraylog.conf
as described in the Graylog documentation. -
Restart your graylog-server, i.e.
systemctl restart graylog-server
. -
Configure an alert notification as described in the next section.
Step 1 - Create Bot
Create a new Telegram bot with the BotFather and copy the bot token.
Step 2 - Get Channel ID
Use the Message Tool to find the Chat ID of the desired chat.
You can use a private chat, add the bot to a group-chat or to a channel. Just make sure to copy the correct Channel ID.
Step 3 - Add Notification
Navigate to Alerts > Notifications in your Graylog-interface and select Telegram Notification
as the notification type.
The message is a template that can be configured as described in the Graylog Documentation
To update the plugin you need to remove the old graylog-plugin-telegram-notification-x.x.x.jar
(or telegram-alert-x.x.x.jar
) file from your plugins folder and follow the installation instructions again.
You may need to remove and re-create your Telegram Notifications.
Getting started
This project is using Maven 3 and requires Java 8 or higher.
- Clone this repository.
- Run
mvn clean package
to build a JAR file. - Optional: Run
mvn jdeb:jdeb
andmvn rpm:rpm
to create a DEB and RPM package respectively. - Copy generated JAR file in target directory to your Graylog plugin directory.
- Restart Graylog.
You can improve your development experience for the web interface part of your plugin dramatically by making use of hot reloading. To do this, do the following:
git clone
cd graylog2-server/graylog2-web-interface
ln -s $YOURPLUGIN plugin/
npm install && npm start
Plugin Release
We are using the maven release plugin:
mvn release:prepare
# ...
mvn release:perform
This sets the version numbers, creates a tag and pushes to GitHub. Travis CI will build the release artifacts and upload to GitHub automatically.
Thanks to:
- Alexey Medov (@kakogoxepa) - for his valuable ideas and generous donation!
- Everyone that starred this repository ⭐️ - you keep me motivated 🙂
- Contributors that submitted useful pull-requests or opened good issues with suggestions or a detailed bug report.