
`did-url` Use Cases: `did-url` Syntax Examples (and corresponding HTTP Binding Examples)

mwherman2000 opened this issue · 19 comments

Guiding Principles

  1. Ensure that an app developer has the tools he/she needs to be able to effectively search, find, resolve, and dereference:
    • a single DID Document associated with a DID, or
    • a collection of DID Documents based on several criteria (defined in the use cases)
  2. Ensure that an app developer has the tools he/she needs to be able to effectively search, find, resolve, dereference, and execute:
    • a service endpoint associated with a service-id in a single DID Document associated with a DID.
  3. Ensure that the above operations and capabilities are expressed in a consistent did-url syntax - eliminating the need for creating additional language and/or API constructs, where possible.
  4. Ensure that the draft "DID ABNF" supports the above goals and doesn't unnecessarily restrict future innovation with respect to did-url parsing (and DID Resolution, specifically but not exclusively) ...that is, that the "DID ABNF" doesn't restrict the syntax patterns needed for present and future did-url parsing (and DID Resolution, specifically but not exclusively) innovation. This is especially important because the current "DID ABNF" is completely defined in a different specification from the DID Resolution specification (i.e. the DID Specification).
  5. Ensure that an app developer has the tools he/she has the basic operational capabilities available to test if a DID Resolver is alive and responsive, control the format of the DID Resolver response, etc.


In today's DID Resolution community call (Feb. 21, 2019), there was a early/initial discussion about using an HTTP binding pattern such as:

  • http://uniresolver.io/resolve/did:xyz:1234
  • http://uniresolver.io/dereference/did:xyz:1234#key1

I was surprised to see the above pattern being proposed because the resolve and dereference operations are redundant ...but that's why we have these conversations (and write things down).

I assume that the purpose of the current DID ABNF syntax discussions is to encapsulate these types of operations into what we are currently calling a did-url (link). Based on these assumptions, I expected that the following did-url patterns (and corresponding HTTP bindings) will be used as the primary patterns for the previous 2 use cases:

  1. Resolution: http://uniresolver.io/did:xyz:1234 (Reference: w3c-ccg/did-spec#170 (comment))
  2. Dereferencing
    a. Dereferencing (general case): http://uniresolver.io/did:xyz:1234#key1 (Reference: w3c-ccg/did-spec#170 (comment))

did-url Use Cases

The complete set of DID Resolver use cases is presented in the following tables.
They represent a set of 20+ did-url patterns that are guided by the current draft DID ABNF specification. These DID Resolver use cases represent a validation suite for successive versions of the draft DID ABNF specifications.

A. DID Document Resolution and Dereferencing Use Cases
B. DID URL Service Endpoint Transformation Use Cases (using ";" token)
C. DID Document Operations Use Cases
D. DID Document Collection Operations Use Cases
E. DID Resolver Service Operations Use Cases
F. DID Resolver Service Response Format Use Cases
G. DID Resolution Decode/Decrypt Use Cases
H. DID URL Service Endpoint Transformation Use Cases (using "!" pipe option and $serviceid transform option (transformers))
I. DID URL Service Endpoint Dereferencing Use Cases (using "$serviceid" selector option)

NOTE: You may have to scroll left and right to see all 4 columns of the table.

A. DID Document Resolution and Dereferencing Use Cases

Use Case did-url Syntax Example Corresponding HTTP Binding Example Comments
1. Resolution to return an entire DID Doc did:xyz:1234 http://uniresolver.io/did:xyz:1234 Reference: w3c-ccg/did-spec#170 (comment)
2a. Dereferencing to return a JSON component (fragment) of a DID Doc did:xyz:1234#key1 http://uniresolver.io/did:xyz:1234#key1 Reference: w3c-ccg/did-spec#170 (comment)
2b1. Dereferencing a service-id to return the JSON description (fragment) of the service endpoint. did:xyz:1234;bops http://uniresolver.io/did:xyz:1234;bops Reference: w3c-ccg/did-spec#170 (comment)
12. Return a DID Doc that only contains a selected subset of the DID Doc's components (fragments/attributes) did:xyz:1234?$select="<selectexpression>" http://uniresolver.io/did:xyz:1234?$select="<selectexpression>" <selectexpression> syntax TBD
14. Return a DID Doc that only contains DID fragment with a selected subset of the DID fragment's components (fragments/attributes) did:xyz:1234#key1?$select="<selectexpression>" http://uniresolver.io/did:xyz:1234#key1?$select="<selectexpression>" <selectexpression> syntax TBD

B. DID URL Service Endpoint Transformation Use Cases (using ";" token)

Use Case did-url Syntax Example Corresponding HTTP Binding Example Comments
2c1. Dereferencing a service-id and transform the URI/URL for the corresponding service endpoint (with no parameters) did:xyz:1234;bops? http://uniresolver.io/did:xyz:1234;bops? http://www.windley.com/archives/2019/02/decentralized_identifiers.shtml
2d1. Dereferencing a service-id and transform the URI/URL for the corresponding service endpoint (with parameters) did:xyz:1234;bops/foo/bar?a=1#flip http://uniresolver.io/did:xyz:1234;bops/foo/bar?a=1#flip Reference: http://www.windley.com/archives/2019/02/decentralized_identifiers.shtml

C. DID Document Operations Use Cases

Use Case did-url Syntax Example Corresponding HTTP Binding Example Comments
4b1. Does this DID Doc contain a service endpoint corresponding to a particular service-id resolvable by this DID Resolver did:xyz:1234;bops?$exists http://uniresolver.io/did:xyz:1234;bops?$exists -

D. DID Document Collection Operations Use Cases

Use Case did-url Syntax Example Corresponding HTTP Binding Example Comments
3. Does this DID Doc exist/is resolvable by this DID Resolver did:xyz:1234?$exists http://uniresolver.io/did:xyz:1234?$exists -
4a. Does this DID Doc fragment exist/is resolvable by this DID Resolver did:xyz:1234#key1?$exists http://uniresolver.io/did:xyz:1234#key1?$exists -
7. Return all of the DID Docs available to the DID Resolver did:? http://uniresolver.io/did:? -
8. Return all of the DID Docs available to the DID Resolver for a particular DID method did:xyz:? http://uniresolver.io/did:xyz:? -
9. Return a batch of DID Docs available to the DID Resolver for a particular DID method did:xyz:?$top=10&$skip=100 http://uniresolver.io/did:xyz:?$top=10&$skip=100 Skip 1st 100 DID Docs and return next 10
10. Return a filtered batch of DID Docs available to the DID Resolver for a particular DID method did:xyz:?$filter="<filterexpression>"&$top=10&$skip=100 http://uniresolver.io/did:xyz:?$filter="<filterexpression>"&$top=10&$skip=100 Filtered by a particular <filterexpression> ( syntax TBD), skip 1st 100 matching DID Docs, and return next 10 matching DID Docs
13. Return a filtered batch of DID Docs that only contain a selected subset of the DID Doc's components (fragments/attributes) for a particular DID method available from a particular DID Resolver did:xyz:?&$top=10&$skip=100&$select="<selectexpression>" did:xyz:?&$top=10&$skip=100&$select="<selectexpression>" <selectexpression> syntax TBD

E. DID Resolver Service Operations Use Cases

Use Case did-url Syntax Example Corresponding HTTP Binding Example Comments
5. Is the particular DID Resolver Service alive and responsive did:?$ping http://uniresolver.io/did:?$ping -
6. Return list of DID methods resolvable by this DID Resolver did:?$getMethods http://uniresolver.io/did:?$getMethods -
11. Return a list of capabilities supported by a particular DID method resolvable by this DID Resolver did:xyz:?$supportedCapabilities http://uniresolver.io/did:xyz:?$supportedCapabilities For more details, read: #25

F. DID Resolver Service Response Format Use Cases

NOTE: $format is composable with any of the the above use cases that, by default, return a JSON string. The following are simple pattern examples only.

Use Case did-url Syntax Example Corresponding HTTP Binding Example Comments
15a. Resolution to return an entire DID Doc in JSON format did:xyz:1234?$format="json" http://uniresolver.io/did:xyz:1234?$format="json" -
15b. Resolution to return an entire DID Doc in ATOM format did:xyz:1234?$format="atom" http://uniresolver.io/did:xyz:1234?$format="atom" -
15c. Resolution to return an entire DID Doc in XML format did:xyz:1234?$format="xml" http://uniresolver.io/did:xyz:1234?$format="xml" -

G. DID Resolution Decode/Decrypt Use Cases

Use Case did-url Syntax Example Corresponding HTTP Binding Example Comments
16a. Resolution to return an entire DID Doc with "decoding" parameters did:xyz:1234?$decode="<parameters>" http://uniresolver.io/ did:xyz:1234?$decode="<parameters>" -
16b. Resolution to return an entire DID Doc with "decrypting" parameters did:xyz:1234?$decrypt="<key>" http://uniresolver.io/ did:xyz:1234?$decrypt="<key>" -

H. DID URL Service Endpoint Transformation Use Cases (using "!" transformer (pipe) option and $serviceid transform option)

These are alternatives (replacements) for use cases 2c1 and 2d1.

These following use cases use the "!" pipe option and $serviceid transform option (aka $serviceid transformer). These tokens immediately follow would formally be the full did-url. The semantics are: take the did-url up to the "!" pipe option and pass it through a transformation represented by the transform options that follow the "!" pipe option.

For example, if the transformer was $serviceid="<service-id>". the effect would be to produce the resolved URL/URI for, in this case, the service endpoint corresponding service-id. See the table below for more specific examples of the syntax.

Conceptually, the processing is:

did-url | transform(tranformOptions) to produce a transformed-url

Here's are 2 specific examples based on the Windley examples. These examples also make clear the difference between the transformer approach and the ';' approach:

Approach Example
Windley did:sov:123456789abcdefghij;exam_svc
Transformer did:sov:123456789abcdefghij!$serviceid="exam_svc"

Both of the above resolve (dereference) to the same URI/URL: https://example.com/endpoint/8377464

Approach Example
Windley did:sov:123456789abcdefghij;exam_svc/foo/bar?a=1#flip
Transformer did:sov:123456789abcdefghij!$serviceid="exam_svc"/foo/bar?a=1#flip

Both of the above resolve (dereference) to the same URI/URL: https://example.com/endpoint/8377464/foo/bar?a=1#flip

NOTE: DID schemes and/or DID Resolvers can define additional transform options. They are not limited by the syntax specification.

NOTE: The ";" token is no longer used anywhere in DID syntax patterns represented across all of the use case categories.

NOTE: Related (and reflecting the views of @dhh128 in comment w3c-ccg/did-spec#168 (comment)), there should no longer be a need to use ";' or any special symbol (other than "#") in the id attribute of a service endpoint in a DID Document.

Use Case did-url Syntax Example Corresponding HTTP Binding Example Comments
2c2. Transform the DID URL using corresponding service endpoint using "!" pipe character and $serviceid transformation option (no parameters) did:xyz:1234!$serviceid="bops"? http://uniresolver.io/did:xyz:1234!$serviceid="bops"? Alternative proposal for use case 2c1
2d2. Transform the DID URL using corresponding service endpoint using "!" pipe character and $serviceid transformation option (w/parameters) did:xyz:1234/foo/bar?a=1#flip!$serviceid="bops" http://uniresolver.io/did:xyz:1234did:xyz:1234/foo/bar?a=1#flip!serviceid="bops" Alternative proposal for use case 2d1

I. DID URL Service Endpoint Dereferencing Use Cases (using "$serviceid" selector option)

These are alternatives (replacements) for use cases 2b1 and 4b1. These use cases use the "$serviceid" selector option which follows the "?" query option.

Use Case did-url Syntax Example Corresponding HTTP Binding Example Comments
2b2. Dereferencing a service-id to return the JSON description (fragment) of the service endpoint. did:xyz:1234?$serviceid="bops" http://uniresolver.io/did:xyz:1234?$serviceid="bops" Alternative proposal for use case 2b1
4b2. Does this DID Doc contain a service endpoint corresponding to a particular service-id resolvable by this DID Resolver did:xyz:1234?$serviceid="bops"&$exists http://uniresolver.io/ddid:xyz:1234?$serviceid="bops"&$exists Alternative proposal for use case 4b1

Next Steps

Your thoughts? @peacekeeper @dmitrizagidulin

@talltree Please chime in

The DID ABNF is more than a syntax specification ...more than a grammar...

The DID ABNF is an algebra for working with the DID Document associated with a DID.

Let's use it that way. We don't need to invent anything new or extra.

@mwherman2000 thanks for consolidating some of your suggestions into a single issue. I think many of them are useful and will be implemented by DID Resolvers.

But as we discussed several times already, I think it will be very important to distinguish between:

  1. The syntax of the DID URL. This URL points to a resource, and like other URLs it can have a path, query, and fragment. The ABNF specifies the format of these DID URLs.
  2. Input parameters for the DID Resolution process itself (as opposed to parameters for a resource identified by the DID URL).
  3. A number of possible operations supported by a DID Resolver (resolve, dereference, check existence, ping, list methods, etc. - great list above!)

I don't understand what value you see in conflating these 3 separate design issues into a single syntax definition. But we can certainly discuss it again on the next DID Resolution call!

I don't understand what value you see in conflating these 3 separate design issues into a single syntax definition.

@peacekeeper Why have 2 or 3 different, disconnected syntaxes? ...especially for basic operations like the dereferencing use cases 2a - 2d.

so, in the current world of hypertext and browsers the # is never sent to the server and thus the browser handles the dereferencing and parsing. see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fragment_identifier and therefore we have chosen to use this character to separate the did url from the decryption key for certain applications in IPID.

next problem. I don't know what invocation of a service endpoint means. Is this on the DID document as an object capability (a la veras one) or on a service endpoint defined in the DID document. If it is the later then that would be very much dependent on the underlying DID method and difficult to lock down in these early days especially one that are purely blockchain focused.

@mwherman2000 next problem if you ask if a DID document exists, then the resolver is going to fetch it. So did:xyz:1234?exists is and unnecessary waste of the resolver's resource. Like I said on the call, I'm thinking more about this like DNS resolution. Doesn't make sense to ask if there is record, because it is a process of requesting the record from the specific DNS server and if it isn't in the servers cache requesting it upstream. For privacy concerns, I am NOT supportive of caching, BTW, not to mention issues with eclipse attacks (see: https://eprint.iacr.org/2015/263.pdf ).

did:xyz:1234?exists would make sense to see if it is cached locally, while you are fetching the upstream nameserver in the background. But part of the request has to be how long am I waiting to be satisfied that the record is up to date and no eclipse attack is happening.

So, I'm thinking that the DID resolution spec needs to have some consensus to perform the same functions on the DID document. Similar to how dig and host do on the linux command line.

dig @ example.com

which returns:

; <<>> DiG 9.10.6 <<>> @ example.com
; (1 server found)
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 63594
;; flags: qr rd ra ad; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 512
;example.com. IN A

example.com. 16059 IN A

;; Query time: 14 msec
;; WHEN: Thu Mar 07 16:09:20 CST 2019
;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 56`

By default dig queries the DNS servers listed in your /etc/resolv.conf file, which are normally the DNS servers of your ISP. However, it can also be useful to query other DNS servers, and particularly the authoritative DNS server. In this analogy, each DID method will have their own authoritative primary source of truth. The job of the DID resolver is to act as a go-between as not every use will be running their own blockchain for each of the DID methods that use one.

@jonnycrunch Two separable issues:

so, in the current world of hypertext and browsers the # is never sent to the server and thus the browser handles the dereferencing and parsing. see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fragment_identifier >

This is true. I actually woke up in the middle of the night to install Fiddler and verify this. You're correct. The "#" should be changed ...but only in the context of the overall set of did-url requirements. The use cases, are this point, is our best source for the requirements for the did-url syntax patterns we need to be done.

TODO: Find a replacement for "#" ...other than ""$" (see WebOfTrustInfo/rwot8-barcelona#163)

therefore we have chosen to use this character to separate the did url from the decryption key for certain applications in IPID.

@jonnycrunch Do you have some example? ...this would be a good place to record some of the IPID examples.

Also, as a start/placeholder, I've added category G. DID Resolution Decode/Decrypt Use Cases to the use cases. Use cases 16a and 16b are examples that are consistent with the current patterns used in the use cases.

NOTE: We can keep consuming another special character for each new parameter/capability/operation we want to support in the did-url. At the syntactical level, we need to keep the number of constructions as small as possible.

next problem. I don't know what invocation of a service endpoint means. Is this on the DID document as an object capability (a la veras one) or on a service endpoint defined in the DID document. If it is the later then that would be very much dependent on the underlying DID method and difficult to lock down in these early days especially one that are purely blockchain focused.

@jonnycrunch As discussed on yesterday's call, I had the Category B use cases (invocation) completely wrong. I've renamed them
B. DID URL Service Endpoint Transformation Use Cases (using ";" token)
...a bit wordy but it's a start at correcting the problem.

I also referenced Paul Windley's article in the Comments column for use cases 2c and 2d.

RE: DNS discussion

Like I said on the call, I'm thinking more about this like DNS resolution. Doesn't make sense to ask if there is record, because it is a process of requesting the record from the specific DNS server

@jonnycrunch DNS isn't IMO a comparable. DNS is a binary protocol that is designed to be very efficient and highly performant. The typical request and response messages are very short - typically less than 100 bytes. (Read https://hyperonomy.com/2019/01/02/dns-domain-name-service-a-detailed-high-level-overview/).

The DID URL procotol is not efficient - the typical response is, comparatively, extraordinarily large (relative to a DNS response). In addition, on some Verifiable Data Registries (aka ledgers), multiple requests are required to create a fully-formed DID Document (e.g. Indy)

The need for the did:xyz:1234?$exists operation is designed to address these types of inefficiencies.

if it isn't in the servers cache requesting it upstream

I'm not advocating caching as a requirement either. did:xyz:1234?$exists can be an optional operation on a DID method by method basis.

To address optional operations, there is use case 11 in category E:


I elaborate more on this operation here:

RE: use case 3. did:xyz:1234?exists ambiguity problem

During yesterday's call, I noticed there was an ambiguity in the above syntax (relative to use cases 2c and 2d).

I've fixed this by prefixing all "operations" with a "$" sign. This goes further to make the syntax for "operations" more consistent with the syntax for $select, $filter, $top, $skip, etc.

The new syntax for use case 3 is: did:xyz:1234?$exists ...and by extension: $ping, $getMethods, $supportedCapabilities, etc.

next problem. I don't know what invocation of a service endpoint means. Is this on the DID document as an object capability (a la veras one) or on a service endpoint defined in the DID document. If it is the later then that would be very much dependent on the underlying DID method and difficult to lock down in these early days especially one that are purely blockchain focused.

@jonnycrunch As discussed on yesterday's call, I had the Category B use cases (invocation) completely wrong. I've renamed them
B. DID URL Service Endpoint Transformation Use Cases (using ";" token)
...a bit wordy but it's a start at correcting the problem.

I also referenced Paul Windley's article in the Comments column for use cases 2c and 2d.

@jonnycrunch @peacekeeper I've added two new categories of use cases. While these are new, the use cases in each category are proposed replacements for some of the earlier use cases.

Now that I better understand how service-id transformations are supposed to work (e.g the Windley article), in Category H, I'm proposing a more general did-url transformation capability that will help create a stable DID syntax that won't stifle innovation.

Category I is related: it uses a parallel concept for dereferencing the JSON fragment for a particular service-id.

What are your thoughts?

H. DID URL Service Endpoint Transformation Use Cases (using "!" transformer (pipe) option and $serviceid transform option)

These are alternatives (replacements) for use cases 2c1 and 2d1.

The following use cases use the "!" pipe option and $serviceid transform option (aka $serviceid transformer). These tokens immediately follow would formally be the full did-url. The semantics are: take the did-url up to the "!" pipe option and pass it through a transformation represented by the transform options that follow the "!" pipe option.

For example, if the transformer was $serviceid="<service-id>". the effect would be to produce the resolved URL/URI for, in this case, the service endpoint corresponding service-id. See the table below for more specific examples of the syntax.

Conceptually, the processing is:

did-url | transform(tranformOptions) to produce a transformed-url

Here's are 2 specific examples based on the Windley examples. These examples also make clear the difference between the transformer approach and the ';' approach:

Approach Example
Windley did:sov:123456789abcdefghij;exam_svc
Transformer did:sov:123456789abcdefghij!$serviceid="exam_svc"

Both of the above resolve (dereference) to the same URI/URL: https://example.com/endpoint/8377464

Approach Example
Windley did:sov:123456789abcdefghij;exam_svc/foo/bar?a=1#flip
Transformer did:sov:123456789abcdefghij!$serviceid="exam_svc"/foo/bar?a=1#flip

Both of the above resolve (dereference) to the same URI/URL: https://example.com/endpoint/8377464/foo/bar?a=1#flip

NOTE: DID schemes and/or DID Resolvers can define additional transform options. They are not limited by the syntax specification.

NOTE: The ";" token is no longer used anywhere in DID syntax patterns represented across all of the use case categories.

NOTE: Related (and reflecting the views of @dhh128 in comment w3c-ccg/did-spec#168 (comment)), there should no longer be a need to use ";' or any special symbol (other than "#") in the id attribute of a service endpoint in a DID Document.

Use Case did-url Syntax Example Corresponding HTTP Binding Example Comments
2c2. Transform the DID URL using corresponding service endpoint using "!" pipe character and $serviceid transformation option (no parameters) did:xyz:1234!$serviceid="bops"? http://uniresolver.io/did:xyz:1234!$serviceid="bops"? Alternative proposal for use case 2c1
2d2. Transform the DID URL using corresponding service endpoint using "!" pipe character and $serviceid transformation option (w/parameters) did:xyz:1234/foo/bar?a=1#flip!$serviceid="bops" http://uniresolver.io/did:xyz:1234did:xyz:1234/foo/bar?a=1#flip!serviceid="bops" Alternative proposal for use case 2d1

I. DID URL Service Endpoint Dereferencing Use Cases (using "$serviceid" selector option)

These are alternatives (replacements) for use cases 2b1 and 4b1. These use cases use the "$serviceid" selector option which follows the "?" query option.

Use Case did-url Syntax Example Corresponding HTTP Binding Example Comments
2b2. Dereferencing a service-id to return the JSON description (fragment) of the service endpoint. did:xyz:1234?$serviceid="bops" http://uniresolver.io/did:xyz:1234?$serviceid="bops" Alternative proposal for use case 2b1
4b2. Does this DID Doc contain a service endpoint corresponding to a particular service-id resolvable by this DID Resolver did:xyz:1234?$serviceid="bops"&$exists http://uniresolver.io/ddid:xyz:1234?$serviceid="bops"&$exists Alternative proposal for use case 4b1

Next steps? Suggested community plan of attack...

a. The Use Cases for Decentralized Identifiers document is a good input to helping identify additional did-url use cases in addition to what is currently documented in DID Resolver did-url Use Cases (#32 tables A though I ...add additional tables for additional categories of did-url use cases as required.
b. Tuesday, start reviewing and discussing the current DID Resolver did-url Use Cases (initially tables A through I).
c. Build an executable did-url grammar for the common patterns found in the did-url use cases by adapting the BB version (saved here: https://github.com/mwherman2000/indy-arm/blob/master/abnf/did-abnf-2019-03-06.abnf)
d. Validate the executable did-url grammar against the did-url examples from the tables using http://arran.fi.muni.cz/bnfparser2/
e. Interate: b. though d.


I'd like to share this doc, which @mwherman2000 , @talltree and I discussed yesterday: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KRuQIPbcXpYbO2fxlbxU5GBNUDc3uCouoiyzNHHH3N0/

It's an attempt to compare 1. @mwherman2000 's way of thinking about DID URLs and Resolution (where the DID URL grammar is considered an algebra or protocol that fully encapsulates resolution operations and parameters), vs 2. an approach where DID Resolution use cases, operations and parameters are specified using a set of abstract functions that are not part of the DID URL itself, but can then have different bindings.

Yes, it was a good discussion ...putting different options on the table and discussing each one to make each option better as well as discussing the relative merits of each.

Also note that column 1 and column 2 might not be mutually exclusively: that is, especially for more common/frequently used resolution/dereferencing did-url use cases, it would be convenient to use column 1 syntax patterns while still supporting the "method" syntax of column 2. Similarly, in column 2, there may be more than one acceptable construction.

At this point, all of these are just options on the table for discussion. The following 2 articles (plus some other specifications like OData and WebDAV helped to inform the discussions):

  1. Giving Grammars Written with ABNF Notation the Respect They Deserve
  2. The #OpenToInnovation Principle: Internet protocols and standards not only need to be open, but more importantly, open to innovation

@mwherman2000 I believe in WebOfTrustInfo/rwot8-barcelona#122 you propose to incorporate not only "resolution"-related operations and their parameters into the did-url syntax, but also the other DID operations "create", "update", "deactivate". I am curious what this would look like?

I think this would be akin to proposing that HTTP verbs such as POST/PUT/GET/DELETE plus HTTP headers should all be part of the HTTP URI syntax, or proposing that file system operations such as mkdir/rmdir/ls would have to be part of a file system's path syntax.

We should keep in mind the section Separating Identification from Interaction in the URI spec (RFC3986), which the DID spec builds on. It says:

Given a URI, a system may attempt to perform a variety of operations on the resource, as might be characterized by words such as "access", "update", "replace", or "find attributes". Such operations are defined by the protocols that make use of URIs, not by this specification.

I think some of your use cases (not all) about the did-url grammar conflate identification with interaction, rather than separating them.

Since posting that comment relative to WebOfTrustInfo/rwot8-barcelona#122 19 days ago, I'm "in the middle" ...as reflected in our 1:1 conversation last Friday ...my thinking has advanced.

I see WebOfTrustInfo/rwot8-barcelona#122 as a set high-level use cases akin to the DID Use Case document that, in turn, should guide creation/updating the lower-level did-url grammar use cases in #32.

I'm definitely not suggesting encapsulating all of the https://github.com/WebOfTrustInfo/rwot8-barcelona/blob/master/topics-and-advance-readings/Universal-DID-Operations.md functionality in the did-url grammar ...but rather taking a critical/detailed/technical look at each method and its parameters to determine what should be encapsulated in the did-url (via the did-url grammar) and what should go into the options ...that is, establish a set of principles to provide guidance one way or another.