
WG meeting agendas and notes

Federated Identity Working Group Meetings

This repository contains agendas, minutes, and other materials from meetings of the FedID Working Group.

Logistics, agendas, and minutes for all meetings are in our GitHub meetings repository. We meet in plenary once a month; we also meet jointly with the Federated Identity Community Group. We occasionally have ad-hoc calls on specific topics and expect to meet in person at the annual W3C TPAC.

The scheduling and logistics of ad hoc calls may vary depending on the topic and expected attendees. Agendas and minutes for such meetings are posted in the same place as our regularly-scheduled plenary calls.

Calendar details are located here. You must sign in to see the logistics.


The structure of the repo is as follows:

yyyy/                      ← top level directories are years
  README.md                ← scheduling notes for the year’s F2Fs
    yyyy-mm-dd-agenda.md        ← plenary agenda
    yyyy-mm-dd-minutes.md       ← plenary minutes
    yyyy-mm-dd-topic-agenda.md  ← ad-hoc agenda
    yyyy-mm-dd-topic-minutes.md ← ad-hoc minutes
    README.md              ← logistics (how to call in, etc.)

Code of Conduct

As a W3C Community Group, all work and communication within the FedID CG is covered by the W3C Code of Conduct.