The source of the W3C Linked Building Data Community Group website https://w3c-lbd-cg.github.io/lbd/
- A--S
- AiyuZhu
- atomczak@buildingSMART
- bigdoodsBIMLauncher
- bufferoverflowSiemens
- davvalentUniversité de Montréal
- fritexvzNetDevSecOps
- GeorgFerdinandSchneiderSchaeffler Technologies
- GrannyTierSpaghettiCoderinBIM
- ioanszilagyi
- Ja98
- jimsmartYorkshire, England
- JulesBuhBRE
- ktaroabobonShibaura Institute of Technology
- labosca
- lewismc@nasa-jpl
- liboreBochum
- ljf159
- mummyeye
- navid-hedayatiGropyus AG
- ncarboniUniversity of Geneva
- paulc-dstl@dstl
- rcqxSoftware Engineer @ Cozey
- relu91Archeion
- richardkreidUK
- RichardPinkaPrague, CZ
- SigveMartinSkogli digital
- stickxxxDijon, France
- superlee1
- sylvainmarie@eurostepAB
- vsergeSmart Innovative Building Solutions
- Xceno@KreatiVRaum
- ZijianWang-ZWTechnical University of Munich