Pinned issues
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#497 opened by ThomasKujawa - 7
Section 5.1 "Outbox" describes returning "objects" or "posts" instead of "activities"
#494 opened by trwnh - 4
Loosen restrictions on `bto` and `bcc` to allow including them on POST to the inbox of the recipient
#495 opened by evanp - 2
Potential issue with private delivery when an `inbox` is associated with more than one resource
#492 opened by trwnh - 2
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Section 6.3.1 C2S Partial Update property deletion behavior is impossible and should be deprecated
#477 opened by trwnh - 3
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Delivering to Collections can be ambiguous
#486 opened by trwnh - 5
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- 2
Issues re. Primer - here /HTML
#488 opened by sebilasse - 17
Community notes
#464 opened by evanp - 0
ActivityStreams -> Activity Streams
#487 opened by evanp - 23
Conflicts with JSON-LD specification regarding object identifiers for anonymous objects
#476 opened by zotanmew - 5
Section 7.1 refers to nonexistent `item` property (should be `items` or not wrapped in code tag)
#481 opened by trwnh - 2
Sections 6.1 and 7 neglect to mention whether Announce activity requires `object`
#479 opened by trwnh - 3
Brittle guidance regarding idempotent activities
#485 opened by Tamschi - 6
Resolved errata makes it possible to be fully compliant with "Federated Server" profile by doing nothing
#482 opened by trwnh - 4
Delivery of public content to sharedInbox
#484 opened by evanp - 7
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Recommend URI syntax normalization + scheme normalization for identifiers? (Also consider query component rules)
#483 opened by trwnh - 8
Support for moving the domain of an entire server (and all its hosted actors, activities, and objects)
#473 opened by ThisIsMissEm - 1 SocialHub Email Server Down
#474 opened by howlettga - 4
- 5
Formally define a mechanism to remove a follower
#471 opened by trwnh - 5
Document *not* using usernames in Actor @id's
#468 opened by ThisIsMissEm - 9
Formally define "activity" at the spec level
#469 opened by trwnh - 14
- 4
Disambiguate usage of `attributedTo`
#467 opened by trwnh - 4
Clarify Collection ownership / backlink to Actor
#466 opened by ThisIsMissEm - 9
Mutuals collection
#461 opened by evanp - 3
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membership endpoint
#462 opened by evanp - 6
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Comply with SocialCG decision on Needs FEP
#453 opened by evanp - 0
All Needs FEP Issues
#459 opened by evanp - 2
Document issues with redirects in activitypub id uris
#456 opened by evanp - 1
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Multiple Accounts - one Identity
#452 opened by pkreissel - 1
RFC 7807 for error responses
#444 opened by evanp - 3
How, if at all, does ActivityPub address the problem of viewing historical posts across instances?
#450 opened by SorteKanin - 2
Encrypted Messages
#449 opened by trymeouteh - 2
XEP-like extensions
#448 opened by avidseeker - 7
List of ActivityPub implementations
#446 opened by evanp - 1
The MIME media type `application/ld+json; profile=""` is mandatory in ActivityStreams and optional in ActivityPub
#447 opened by cristianolongoodhl - 2
Finish the uploadMedia definition
#445 opened by evanp