
How to differentiate between posts and private (direct) messages?

Closed this issue ยท 61 comments

Because of the issue diaspora/diaspora#7422 I had a look at the specifications once again.

Traditional decentralized systems like Friendica or Diaspora, but also centralized systems like Twitter or Facebook are knowing two different message types.

The first one is the standard message. It can be addressed to the public or to a group of people or even to a single person alone. This is mostly meant for stuff that you just want to share with other people - and it doesn't really matter if all the receivers see the message at all.

The second one is more like the traditional mail. You not only get a notification about it, but also these messages are collected at a special place so that you can keep an eye on this. These messages can mostly be addressed to a group of people as well.

I haven't found any trace in the specifications on how to implement these two types - but this is crucial for replacing existing protocols.

We have a Public collection, and if you include that in to or cc, it's a public post! If you don't, it's not a public post! You can see an example of this in the last example of the tutorial I wrote.

Does that answer things?

No. This is not the same. I could share my holiday photos to a bunch of people as a not public post. It would be nice - but not really important - if all of the dedicated receivers would read this kind of post.

On the other hand I have posts of high importance. I want the receivers to not forget about them. Because of this they are even optically separated from the other posts.

Just a real life example: I'm normally receiving more than 1,000 messages per day in the regular stream. I cannot read them all. Additionally I got mentioned about 20 or 30 times a day (which could be implemented with to or cc). It is nice that I get informed about it - but if I don't have the time to react in time, I mostly forget about it - and it doesn't matter that much, if I don't react.

But 3 or 4 times a week I get these messages where the sender really wanted to make sure that I don't miss the message - and I want to have them in a place where I don't forget to answer, even when it takes some days to do so - just like the messages in the email inbox.

It is not enough to have a list of messages where I was addressed directly via to or cc because this happens many times a day and these really important messages would simply flushed away in the notification list.

Pump.io clients make a distinction between these things depending on whether you are addressed specifically in the post. For example, in Pumpa if someone adds me specifically to the "to" line... even if it's a public post... it shows up in my "Direct" feed. And of course if someone's sending it only to me, it shows up in my Direct feed. So I think that can be handled with what we have.

On the other hand if you're looking for some sort of "prioritization" flagging, that would be an extension?

The "Direct" feed wouldn't suit my needs. I am mentioned too often a day so that this special kind of message would vanish inside of this. (And I wouldn't find this message in a few days again)

With a "priority" flag this could be emulated in some way.

I totally get what @annando is after here, but still I've always felt these two concepts are overlapping fully on the type of objects. The fact that they are represented differently in the UI and system internally is a different matter. For example just as they are in Diaspora, Friendica, and previously Facebook. I say previously Facebook because there the chat system has replaced the old messaging system completely. This makes sense, since even in Diaspora it is more of a group chat/mail functionality.

Rather than some kind of prioritizing, it could also be an extension of another type of object totally. After all, quite a few need to already be supported. What is a status message for example, a Note or an Article? Depends on text length, says AS2 vocabulary, so in terms of Diaspora for example, both should count as status messages.

Maybe for systems who want to support a kind of internal mail which the conversation feature basically is, an extension of type Conversation for example might be the simplest way to go?

This Conversation type is a good idea.

We could explore priority flags... of course, we can look to email to see how well used those are, since I think Outlook has them, and they are used by Outlook users... I have no experience with them.

I do worry that priority flags will start to result in Klaxon-like "this is priority!" on most messages, but maybe people can self-regulate.

Regardless, we won't have time to incubate a priority flag within this cycle. The good news is that AP is extensible, and we'll have the community group to explore extensions, so we can explore it then.

I've added it to https://www.w3.org/wiki/ActivityPub_extensions ... we'll look into it after this round of ActivityPub stuff, when we get to the Community Group.

Reopening so we can talk about it in the call

Somehow I missed the conversation about the new type. That could be interesting. Again, would have to be done as an extension at this point, but may be well worth doing.

I'm having some trouble thinking of a clear line between these two types. I can make a post (type 1) or send a direct message (type 2) to a group of the same people (eg my co-workers). Type 1 is a bulletin board post and type 2 is a chat message, but when you add enough functionality, they start to overlap more and more. With type 2, there's an expectation of somewhat faster delivery, and of strict time ordering. I don't agree type type 2 is more important, or has less traffic -- I've been on plenty of group chats that had way more traffic than I read, and some of my co-workers make FB posts and tweets that are very important for me to see.

Assuming implementations use Mention it seems like it should be possible to do this without extensions? E.g.:

  1. Is the post addressed to Public? If so it's a public post
  2. Is the post addressed to only the user? If not it's not a direct message
  3. Is the post related to a Mention activity? If so it's a mention not a direct message
  4. The post is a direct message

Not sure I've thought through everything, but I'm pretty sure this can be done.

@sandhawke I think the difference is in how the sender expects the message to be presented to the receiver. Of course you can find exceptions for either but in general I think "direct messages" tend to be more important/personally relevant than general stream messages

Or maybe we could just end up with an algorithm as simple as:

  1. Is the activity addressed to a Collection (like e.g. Followers) or Public? If so it's a stream post
  2. The post is a direct message

@strugee this won't work for Friendica and would make problems with Diaspora as well, I guess. On Diaspora you can chose the aspects you want to post to. On Friendica you can even select and deselect single receivers - additionally on Diaspora the direct messages can be addressed to a group of people.

There is the need for a flag of some kind. And if the standard doesn't contain it, there are two options:

  1. Implement some self designed extension
  2. Wait with the implementation until the extension is standardized

Although there might be some overlapping, it is no option to remove the direct messages from existing systems. Users won't accept the removal of existing functionality.

Okay, we talked about this today on the call... I've removed the postponed field. There's at minimum some discussion to be had about what it means to have a "direct" message, and whether the standard already handles that.

I think we're also planning on talking about this on next week's call.

@annando, can you explain what this flag would mean, in general, not just in a particular system? Like, can you define it so that all of us would agree, looking at some new system, whether it produces and consumes the flag correctly?

@sandhawke I tried so in several comments above. Maybe this wasn't understandable due to my limited English knowledge or just because I'm bad in explaining things. Maybe others can explain it better.

Sorry, on re-reading I see my message sounds critical, @annando, when I was trying to be helpful. Let me try to propose some text which i think covers what you're saying, and then you can tell me where I'm getting it wrong.

The delivery mode property allows systems to distinguish between two prevailing metaphors for communication. Within AP, both delivery modes have the same capabilities, but between systems which have different user interfaces for the two modes, this flag is used to communicate the appropriate mode.

Delivery mode post appeals to intuitions about communicating by putting content where the recipient can see it, such as pinning it to a wall. In contrast, delivery mode direct is like handing someone the content. Since you could put a message on a wall where only one person is allowed to see it, and is very likely to see it, post can be used for 1-1 messages. Meanwhile, since you could make many copies of a message and hand them out to everyone you see, post-like behavior is possible using the direct mode. Nonetheless, the distinction appears to be useful, since some popular systems implement both and keep them distinct.

In practice, direct delivery tends to differ from post delivery in these ways:

  • more strictly and obviously time-ordered (no 'algorithmic feed')
  • more feedback to the author about whether it's been seen
  • more likely an indicator to the recipient that a message is being composed
  • more likely a smaller audience, often just one person
  • more likely only the target audience is allowed to see the message
  • more likely to be important, time-sensitive, and require a response

Systems which offer users two delivery modes that align well with these metaphors MUST encode the delivery mode in the deliveryMode flag during content creation and MUST use this flag to determine which mode to use in delivering content to users. Other systems MAY use the flag in a manner which is approximately consistent with this meaning.

On receiving content without a delivery-mode flag, systems are free to use their own logic for sorting into the appropriate mode.

Is that kind of what folks are thinking here?

@sandhawke my words weren't intended to sound aggressive. That's one of the problems when one (me) isn't talking in his own language.

I have to take some time to understand your text (some words are unknown to me or sound strange in the context). Then I will answer to this as well.

Now, after translating some of the missing words and guessing the meaning of others, I guess that you hit the nail right on the head with this definition.

Hi guys. The last definition sounds pretty well.
Also, ++ to

I think the difference is in how the sender expects the message to be presented to the receiver.

Conversation are what we call private messages in forum, twitter, etc.

If it helps, here is how diaspora* is currently working (reminder, the spec are here. There is the post entity, and the conversation entity. The major differences are:

  • Audience:
    • A post can only be posted to a group of contact (called Aspect in the diaspora language) or publicly. Of course, you can have a group with only one contact, but still, the post, from a user point of view, target a group. Also, there is no symmetrical relationship in diaspora*, so you can add anyone you want to a group of contacts, and send a post there, this post will be accessible to the person even if it never interacted with the sender.
    • On the other side, a conversation targets contacts. That means there is no predefined group, each new conversation has its specific audience. Note that, unlike Facebook, a conversation is not grouped by the targeted audience. I think on Facebook, when you write to the same persons than before, the new message comes at the end of the previous conversation. On diaspora*, it is not the case, you create a new conversation with a new subject, the two conversations live separately, and you can post on the old conversation in the future.
      Also, at the moment, you can only target a contact if he also shares with you. I don't know if this behavior will be kept (see diaspora/diaspora#4992) but it is the way it works at the moment, so this is deeply different than the post feature.
  • Reaction:
    • The post entity can be reshared if it is public, it can also be commented (with a comment entity). A comment can then also be posted on the previous comment, or still on the post. Meaning you can have threaded comment, like this:
- Comment 1
- Comment 2
| - Comment 2.1
- Comment 3
| - Comment 3.1
| - Comment 3.2
|  | - Comment 3.2.1
- Comment 4
  • The conversation entity only have messages, (and starts itself with a message, the first of the conversation). They are all displayed under the other message. A conversation can only look like that:
- Initial message (posted with the conversation)
- Message 2
- Message 3
- Message 4
- Message 5

There is no reaction to conversation messages (no like, no threaded answer, no reshare of course, no attached pictures...). I don't say it shouldn't have some, I'm just describing the actual feature in diaspora*.

  • Presentation: As said above in this issue, the two features are presented very differently.
    • A post is included in the stream. It is very difficult to go back to an old post. The easiest way is to remember who posted it (so initiated the discussion), go to his profile, and scroll down. A post is something kind of temporary.
    • A conversation is here to stay. Here is how it looks in diaspora*:

      You access it with the mail icon in the header, and it lives completely separately from the stream. All the conversation you participated to can easily be accessible, in a unique place.

Do you have more questions about the diaspora* current features?

Pinging @SuperTux88 and @cmrd-senya to be sure I didn't say wrong things about the protocol, it's not the part I know well.

Just a short answer to Flas comment (didn't read the rest): The protocol doesn't know aspects, so posts are sent to single recipients too (aspects are only a UX thing).

The main difference between a (private) post and a conversation is: For the conversation the recipients are visible to all other recipients, for a post you only see that it's "private", but not who else can see it. Comments of a post are relayed through the author of the post (because it's the only point where all recipients are known), for a conversation messages are sent directly to all recipients, because they are known to everybody involved.

Some technical highlights in the specifications that are worth noting: Public and private audiences are disambiguated via bto/bcc vs to/cc. The bcc and bto targets are removed from the messages as they are sent to that actor's inbox. If your note has cc or to it is a public message. If your note has bcc or bto it is a private message. bto is a private direct message. to is a public direct message / reply. bcc is a private multicast message (an identical message sent to multiple people) where nobody can see who it was sent to. cc is a public conversation.

See https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/#audienceTargeting

On the receiving side, the object will not have bcc or bto as they must be removed by the sender. How do you tell the difference between public and private messages? Messages that were private would have no targeting. They would be messages without a to field, referred to as silent messages. In ActivityPub, there is an interesting aside that says non-targeted messages should be treated as private as a precaution:

See https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/#delivery

Are you tagged in an Object that doesn't have a to or audience, then that's a private message. Private messages are more important by social convention, so that's a good way to get people's attention. They should go into a section of a UI that separates them from the normal firehose.

Personally, I think the wording could be stronger. That note about private activities should be part of the spec as a must, considering its use involves some implied security by the sender, but I'd settle for a should. In the end, to represents who the Object is visible to. If there is no to field, then the Object is invisible to all but the person who created it or received it. That way, no matter what cool extension you come up with, you know implementations that don't understand it will at least pedantically consider it private if that's what you intend.

@wilkie Problem is when to and cc are mixed with bto and bcc - which is technically possible.

@annando in the specification: if it has a to it is a public post. if it has to and bto it is a public post that is privately sent to somebody... but not a private message. the message is still very much public. I'm not sure when you'd do this, but it is possible.

I'm not sure what the semantics you are thinking of when you would have both to and bto and think there is something missing. I assume you intend it to be considered private? it seems like you'd need an extension here. for instance, group private chat, that is where recipients can all see who the private message was also sent to, is not something bcc or bto can do. That is because those fields are removed upon sending. But, an extension could add a field for this purpose and use bcc and bto to sent the messages using the normal mechanisms... and not use to or cc so the message is seen as private (by even a server that doesn't understand your extension).

What's the difference between bto and bcc? They both mean it gets sent there, but get stripped so the receiver can't know which was used. So, that sounds like they are indistinguishable.

As far as I can tell, the intention (in ActivityStreams 2) is that bto and bcc are only seen by the sender. So it would just be a contextual difference from the sender's point of view since the bto and bcc are still visible in the outbox version of the Object. So you could technically have a message with a bto and a bcc to send a message to a person (bto) and some kind of acknowledgement of the message to somebody else (bcc)?

Seems purely semantic, then. "Publisher" implementations would surely be equally correct if they simply used bcc and never used bto, if my understanding is correct. But perhaps a contextual distinction between a direct message and a multicast of some kind is useful... somehow.

@wilkie I would use to or cc whenever I wanted to mention someone directly in a regular post. Everyone else I would always add as bcc. And when I wouldn't want to mention someone, I would always add every receiver in the bcc field since for privacy reasons I wouldn't want to share my address lists with my receivers.

So simply from the use of to, cc, bto or bcc you couldn't decide reliably what kind of message this is.

Because of this I really like the idea from @sandhawke with this delivery mode.

@annando it is my understanding that to is for telling the system who to send the object to. (AS-vocab ยง5.1) If you wanted to mention somebody, you'd use tag. You could mention @wilkie in your private message, but as long as I'm not in your to, I won't get a notification. (AS-vocab ยง5.6) (I have a more thorough post about how I believe it works and I hope an editor can tell me where I'm wrong) Something like:

  "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams",
  "content": "this @wilkie person is annoying :)",
  "tag": [{
    "name": "@wilkie",
    "href": "http://wilkie.how",
    "type": "Mention"
  "bto": "http://somebody.else"

If you used tag along with bto or bcc, that would be seen as a private message (it doesn't have a to field, and any message without a to cannot be publicly accessed).

As for implied priority, it seems appropriate that different implementations interpret priority differently. That said, it is reasonable to interpret something without a to that is handed to you as a Big Deal... somebody really wants you and perhaps only you to see it. Even something that is to someone directly (as opposed to being sent to a general feed) could be interpreted as "More Important Than Normal" because it is a direct (albeit public) message. AS2 gives you a way of specifying "primary" vs "secondary" audiences, which seemingly encodes the priority.

Would that be what you're looking for? Otherwise, I think I need a specific list of "types of messages" where you feel there is ambiguity to see if we can't determine how they might look (or if they aren't possible.) Might be room for adding examples in the AS2 specification to clarify some of these issues!

For my part (correct me if I'm wrong, editors) here are some examples that I can think of and how I'd interpret them and subjectively prioritize them: (Should these be examples somewhere??)

  • presence of to: normal public content (Low priority)
  • cc points to you and posted to your inbox: slightly-less-direct message (Medium Priority)
  • to points to you and posted to your inbox: direct message (High Priority)
  • absence of to but posted to your inbox: private message. you don't know who else can see it. (Highest Priority, but only if you already know who they are, generally.)

It can get complex, but these are possible... and it is subjective how you prioritize them:

  • presence of to and has inReplyTo: a normal reply or response (Low)
  • to points to you and has inReplyTo: a direct reply (Medium)
  • absense of to and has inReplyTo: interestingly a private response to a post (High)
  • absense of to, presence of Mention tag, posted to your inbox: somebody privately gossiping about somebody else (Kinda Mean)

And for extensibility: if your system doesn't understand the to field, just default interpret it as a normal, low-priority post. If it has no to field and your system doesn't understand the content, at least treat it as private (recommendation of ActivityPub).

I feel the need to point out that without S2S authentication, a provider can't prove the the inbox POST came from a node authorized to produce it, nor can it apply ACLs to a private message permalink to limit who can access it later.

@astronouth7303 I think that's a valid issue but a bit out of scope here; let's assume that sufficient authorization has already been done. The real question here is how to convey intent of "where" this should be represented.

This issue is getting a bit hard to follow already, but btw one solution that I'm pretty sure Evan proposed on a previous call (but I can't find it in the minutes??) is to have another endpoint, like inbox, which is for direct messages. However, that also adds its own set of challenges because now you have another federation feature some instances may support and some may not.

(Augh, both close and this comment were mistakes.)

Note that Pump.io already does this, and I think this may be the answer: inbox is still used for federation, but multiple streams can be presented to the user in terms of inbox / the "major" feed (which is all the main posts and comments and etc) / the "minor" feed (which includes a lot more flotsam such as each individual favorite post, etc) / the "direct" feed (which are posts that mention you directly).

Every server can choose to make its own "filtered inbox-consumer endpoints" like this. In fact, pump.io will probably need extensions for these terms, since clients will probably want to support that.

I'd suggest that this whole thread can be resolved by the following:

  1. Servers can provide their own filtered inboxes, such as plain ol' inbox but also directMessages. These can be added as an extension, and servers are free to decide how to filter into them however they like.
  2. If you'd like to help sort these in some sort of way, a notification flag can be added to messages, as an extension. For example, we could have "directMessage": true and that should be able to help inform a server appropriately. Such a flag can also be an extension.

I think that wraps up this whole thing and provides a path forward. From there, I'd like to bring this to the community group.

What do people think?

This "directMessage": true would be the easiest way since this wouldn't cause any problems between servers that support this and others that doesn't support this. But some rules should be applied as well.

"directMessage": true does only makes sense with posts to a limited set of users. And it should be noted that this "directMessage": true only needs to be apply to the starting post. This has the following background: I'm writing such a direct message from some server that supports it to another server that doesn't support it. There someone answers. Now the post doesn't contain the "directMessage": true - but should - of course - be arranged as an answer to the first post.

On the other hand it would be cool to have some possibility to fetch the capabilities of a profile. Then one could detect if the other server supports direct messages at all.

@annando Great, glad to hear the "directMessage": true route sounds good to you. :)

While I don't think it's within the realm of handling within ActivityPub itself (at least within the time period we have), fetching capabilities of a profile would be great. I'm not sure if this would be an ActivityPub extension or a reuse of some Interface Description Language that exists, but it seems worthy of exploration in the community group.

You need a large disclaimer that direct messages are not private if you do it with a flag. Because non-conforming implementations are going to render these posts publicly.

You do need an extension that adds a route (secondary inbox) for strictly private messages, generally. So that non-conforming implementations just 404 instead of trying too hard to render them.

@wilkie this is about distinguishing between direct message and other types of private posts, I think? My understanding is that the audience specifier pretty easily handles post visibility, and people just want a specific way to call out a "direct" message

@nightpool this whole thing doesn't make much sense, then. if direct messages are intended to be private (and not simply public messages directed at a single person), and the spec ignores privacy, then you have to have a separate route; otherwise non-conforming implementations will render them as public messages.

@wilkie sorry, to rephrase that: My understanding is that what people proposing is that direct messages are a subset of the existing private messages (messages that use bto/bcc or that don't have any targeting).

@nightpool Ah. Fair enough. It seems important to point out, then, that the spec, including the audience tracking sections of AS2, do not suggest such messages are actually private.

I have historically had a hard time seeing how access control is described in either spec, but people seem to speak very confidently that it is somehow there. At least, I don't see enough there to convince me that private messages are actually spec'd at all. Implementations that don't have private message support are completely free to render all incoming messages as public messages from what I can tell.

Not requiring access control in the spec seems very appropriate! But it should mean that extensions that do talk about private messages (implying access control) need a mechanism that hard-fails on non-conforming implementations. (therefore: a separate route)

I also like the bto/bcc to denote a private message, but implementations are only recommended to make such messages private. Which means a private messaging extension must create a brand new mechanism.

Basically: direct message flag is fine if direct messages are not private messages. Private messages are (justifiably) not defined, as far as I can tell, in ActivityPub or ActivityStreams. Or, admittedly equally likely, I simply have no idea what a "private message" is.

Let's leave out the term "private message" indeed and just refer to "direct message" then.

@wilkie Yes, I think this isn't any promise of further protection to try to keep things private. Either you have an ACL inferred by the addressing, or you don't, and hopefully you do. All the directMessage flag thing will do is really provide information to expose things differently in the user interface. I agree it's confusing (and this thread has gotten so long it's hard to keep track of such things anyway.)

re: ACL by IP address: Everyone on Google Cloud is put through Google's URL Fetch service. AWS Lambda could be on any IP. A great many autoscaling setups could have a number of IPs, most likely from a shared pool.

Basically: Using the IP address to infer provider is fairly risky, and should only serve as a corroborating signal.

@astronouth7303 Was anyone suggesting an ACL by IP address??? I think we were talking about an ACL that applied to authenticated actors. I would assume that any implementation that did authentication by IP address is an authentication written by a developer that needs their developer badge revoked.

Oh, you saw "ACL by addressing" and misread I think. We were talking about ActivityStreams addressing, which is to say the to, cc, bcc, and bto fields on an AS2 object.

FWIW, I've added a couple things here to https://www.w3.org/wiki/ActivityPub_extensions.

geppy commented

There's an informal SocialCG/SWICG consensus supporting expressing intent to target a subinbox via a flag/property.

The consensus from the SocialCG Meeting today was that we should either use a different note type (where fail-fast is desired) or a directMessage flag (where compatibility is desired) for server-to-server communications. Then servers can sort into this into different inboxes per their own discretion and their clients' preferences, and we should have a thing in the client-server protocol to support this.

So, this is something that should be done. Given that we're going to do it as either a new type or new property, that's extension territory.

Would someone like to take the initiative of starting this as an AS2 extension?

Does the closing of this issue mean that it was done or that it won't be done at all?

Oops that was an accident.

Oh wait no it wasn't. I was closing postponed issues to clear space. But having re-read the last couple of messages, I'm confused about its postponed status. @cwebber is this something that needs opening in the CG instead?

It should move to the CG. We've agreed that the ActivityPub spec will not take on changes that are vocabulary in a way that isn't strictly the protocol itself at this point.

A few options, maybe one or all as next steps:

Interested parties are encouraged to continue this by taking one or more of the above steps! So that is to say: it's something to pursue, but not on this tracker now.

rokj commented

So, how do we differentiate now? With directMessage or with bcc?

Friendica seems to include directMessage, what others are doing?

Friendica copied the behaviour from Pleroma. Mastodon doesn't add anything. Which means that on the receicing side you cannot detect if an incoming post is meant as a direct message or a non public post with limited receivers.

As an update from our side, Mastodon has removed the concept of Direct Messages from our UI in preparation for E2E direct messaging work. We were never really able to make the blended UI concept work, and we felt that users were better served by a complete separate feature for Direct Messages that matched user's privacy expectations. The jury is still out on whether we'll be able to do so securely though

The second one is more like the traditional mail. You not only get a notification about it, but also these messages are collected at a special place so that you can keep an eye on this. These messages can mostly be addressed to a group of people as well.

If the whole point of this is which part of the UI to render an object in, that sounds like an application-specific concern for some specific UI requirements and not really about the message as much semantically. (afaict). That's fine, but use an application-specific namespace for that metadata, not as2/activitypub.

My ontology:

  • All direct messages are 'posts'
    • in as2 land by 'post' I kinda mean any rdf resource. When in doubt, use as2:Note
  • Not all posts have audience targeting, some do
  • Posts with an as2:audience don't directly involve that audience but members of that audience might want to be notified: https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/#audienceTargeting
  • All direct messages have at least one 'cc', 'bcc', 'to', 'bto'
  • All direct messages never have an 'audience' property other than those addressed by cc,bcc,to,bto?

One thing I think this doesn't solve for, but would come up when building something like Mastodon or Twitter: When someone at-mentions me (as2:Mentions me?) in a Note, and it has 'as2:to=bengo', should it appear in the "Direct Messages" section of the UI? or a 'Mentions'.

One, do you really need those two sections of the UI? They don't mean anything in the above. But sometimes your boss asks you to anyway, so:

  • Mentions - I'm as2:Mentioned (maybe including any 'derived' as2:Mentions from public posts that have as2:{to,cc,bcc} me). Usually end-user expects these to be semi-public posts, e.g. have an as2:audience of public or a Group
  • Direct Messages - to,bto,cc,bcc me + as2:audience contains only me
    • This is the main thing relevant to this post. It's a 'Direct Message' if it's a message that no one can see but me, i.e. it has no as2:audience (except for resources that are me), and probably any as2:{to,bto,cc,bcc} are also only me, unless the 'Direct Message' UI is more of an 'Inbox' UI

But here's what I think we intuitively consider them to mean:

  • We can count on direct messages not to be public
  • We expect at-mentions to be 'public' for many others to see.

So I think directMessage=true property might just be the same as "The resource is not audience addressed to anyone but me"

If you do really want a property that is called 'directMessage', and its range is booleans... dont try to define it in a general purpose namespace.

lol I just saw @nightpool last comment:

As an update from our side, Mastodon has removed the concept of Direct Messages from our UI in preparation for E2E direct messaging work. We were never really able to make the blended UI concept work, and we felt that users were better served by a complete separate feature for Direct Messages that matched user's privacy expectations. The jury is still out on whether we'll be able to do so securely though


rokj commented

Afais we complicate to much right now and we should focus just how to solve problem of sending someone "a private message" (not visible to public) by standard and thats all. All other cases (also UI implementations) can be resolved later.

trwnh commented

@rokj sending a "private message" is a solved problem -- simply do not include as:Public in the addressing. what is not solved is how to differentiate between a post that should end up in a feed vs. a post that should end up in a messaging context.

there are two ways forward: 1) add a directMessage flag via an extended property, 2) use a custom type for messages like Message or EncryptedEnvelope.

it can also be said that all messages passed within activitypub are by default in a messaging context, as there is not really the concept of a "feed" within activitypub. there is only your inbox, and all the activities received within it. feeds are a UX concept implemented at the app layer. it just so happens that the major implementations (mastodon et al) all primarily use feeds rather than messaging. this is why mastodon removed the concept of dms from their UI, as nightpool explains.