- 5
use case: local parameterised messages
#158 opened by bertvannuffelen - 1
mandatory sh:path in PropertyShape
#156 opened by bertvannuffelen - 1
Which github repo to use?
#157 opened by bertvannuffelen - 5
- 1
- 2
Meta-validation file (shsh)
#135 opened by wouterbeek - 1
- 7
Improve validation rules for XSD integer datatypes
#142 opened by tpluscode - 5
union of targets should be DISTINCT
#143 opened by VladimirAlexiev - 2
sh:name on NodeShape ?
#145 opened by barthanssens - 2
Standalone PropertyShape behavior
#146 opened by jakubklimek - 0
- 4
Inconsistency regarding `sh:or`
#152 opened by wouterbeek - 2
- 13
- 2
- 2
Button "Hide SPARQL Definitions" in 1.6 Relationship between SHACL and SPARQL seems to be broken
#148 opened by megoth-capgemini - 1
Missing prefix in example query
#128 opened by GeorgFerdinandSchneider - 1
- 5
- 1 content negotiation
#141 opened by ashleysommer - 0
Description of example for sh:and mixes up node shape and property shape
#140 opened by HolgerKnublauch - 3
- 4
Expressing equality between multiple paths
#119 opened by mthl - 0
- 3
Can property shapes be closed?
#134 opened by wouterbeek - 21
- 33
Unclear applicability of prefix declarations
#130 opened by wouterbeek - 4
Closed hierarchic shapes
#129 opened by wouterbeek - 1
DataShapes SHACL-JS Test Suite?
#127 opened by ashleysommer - 5
SHACL vocabulary is inconsistent
#125 opened by wouterbeek - 2
Issue with "strange path" tests
#124 opened by martinmaillard - 9
SHACL Shapes to Validate Shapes Graphs
#121 opened by griddigit-ci - 2
SHACL vocabulary issue sh:property
#122 opened by griddigit-ci - 2
How to validate json-ld 1.1 data graphs?
#120 opened by sanuann - 2
Dereferencing RDF version
#118 opened by ktk - 1
Ill-formed example for SPARQL-based Targets
#115 opened by langsamu - 0
Wrong link to RDF test suite
#113 opened by langsamu - 4
Inconsistent sh:value for sh:hasValue
#111 opened by langsamu - 1
Clarity of prose in sec. 1.4
#110 opened by skynx - 2
Error in example
#109 opened by NoelDeMartin - 2
Support for nested shapes in report
#108 opened by hmottestad - 1
Typo in SHACL spec document
#103 opened by ashleysommer - 3
Potential problem with tests/sparql/pre-binding/unsupported-sparql-006.ttl
#101 opened by ashleysommer - 1
Invalid sh:sourceShape blank node references in core/complex/personexample.ttl
#102 opened by ashleysommer - 5
- 5
Disjointness of Qualified Value Shapes
#92 opened by white-gecko - 3
- 2
- 3
Can sh:hasValue point to multiple values?
#91 opened by MiguelAraCo