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- 1
Discussion: Circle of Competence
#599 opened by mwherman2000 - 2
SUPER/META PROPOSAL: Attestation of unique DID Method names: allowing for multiple approaches
#597 opened by mwherman2000 - 0
Set anchor tags for DID method entries
#602 opened by jceb - 4
SPEC/PROCESS PROPOSAL: To secure a unique method name, require the registration of the corresponding Internet DNS name: did-<method>. directory
#590 opened by mwherman2000 - 1
Update maintainers `w3cid` value in documents
#589 opened by msporny - 3
- 0
The links in a spec should tested - manually or automatically - after each build.
#598 opened by mwherman2000 - 4
Objection: approval of did:tdw
#586 opened by mwherman2000 - 14
- 0
Something goofy happening with the URL to the Extensions parent document
#588 opened by mwherman2000 - 6
DID spec registry gives 404 error
#576 opened by ceperezb - 1
Where should dereferencing details go?
#582 opened by ChristopherA - 0
- 3
How to handle duplicates
#569 opened by jandrieu - 5
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- 0
GET endpoints for more details
#574 opened by entin-hun - 0
Extend Physical identifiers
#573 opened by entin-hun - 0
Why isn't the lint workflow progressing?
#572 opened by m2mblockchain - 1
Update CCF registry details
#492 opened by codeglobally - 9
Listing of Peaq DID
#466 opened by kamrangul2404 - 3
Consider updating the deployed spec registry
#434 opened by eike-hass - 0
Remove language about being the "official" registry
#567 opened by jandrieu - 6
How to register new verification method type?
#404 opened by jaroslavsaxa - 0
invalid URL to DIDComm
#538 opened by smichea - 0
task: register redirects for URLs, and update links in registry to use URLs
#526 opened by bnewbold - 9
Why is there a difference between the editor's draft and the latest published version?
#420 opened by brentzundel - 1
Echidna error
#491 opened by jandrieu - 0
- 0
Add "proof" property in DID Document Metadata
#469 opened by thobson88 - 2
non-existing fragment IDs in URLs
#391 opened by kkabrams - 11
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minimum did method requirements are useless
#433 opened by kdenhartog - 1
Creating a new 'service' type
#437 opened by Tweeddalex - 1
Determine schema for method entry controls
#425 opened by jandrieu - 4
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- 6
- 4
Should Credential Schema be Stored on the Ledger ?
#418 opened by Vishwas1 - 0
registration process should be split out to individually set the rules for each registry table
#416 opened by kdenhartog - 7
How does `contact` column in registry relate to ongoing change privileges and governance?
#399 opened by bumblefudge - 3
DID specifications registration request
#396 opened by coriase - 2 link missing for the DID implementers guide at the bottom of this page
#384 opened by mwherman2000 - 0
Objection: Disconnect between what a description/specification of a DID Method is vs. the description/specification of a specific DID Method Implementation
#387 opened by mwherman2000 - 1
Objection: No provision for PROVISOINAL acceptance of a DID Method specification. A spec is either accepted for registration & listed or it is not accepted & not listed
#389 opened by mwherman2000 - 1
- 0
Issue: No apparent tracking/versioning of the DID Method specification acceptance criteria, tracking of when a specification as accepted, ...
#388 opened by mwherman2000 - 9
Baseline registration requirement for DID methods
#382 opened by talltree - 2