
Roman numerals

michael-roe opened this issue · 2 comments

Documents often contain numbers written in Roman numerals (e.g. V for 5). Without additional markup, a string such as "LIV" is ambiguous as to whether it is the number 54, the name LIV, or the sequence of characters L I V. Speech synthesisers currently use heuristics to guess, and often get it wrong.

The current spec isn't clear if data-ssml-say-as-format="cardinal" can be applied to Roman numerals, or if we need a new format to handle Roman numerals.

Thank you for your post @michael-roe . Roman numerals are certainly tricky when it comes to pronunciation. However, we can use properties such as 'sub' or 'say-as' to address this. Perhaps, we would add some examples of the Roman numerals in our document.

Perhaps, we would add some examples of the Roman numerals in our document.

Yes please!

We keep running into this problem, although it's usually because we need a non-numeric interpretation of something which happens to be a roman numeral. The most common case we struggle with is "IV" announced as 4 when "intravenous" is what we're expecting.

Some examples which show how to handle both numeric and non-numeric cases of such strings would be extremely helpful.