- 5
Assess current state of CSS Speech
#116 opened by ghurlbot - 2
Indian language requirements in PLS, SSML
#117 opened by vermaprashant1 - 3
Mechanism for referencing PLS
#98 opened by murata2makoto - 2
- 3
- 3
Need more information to properly assess
#111 opened by mbgower - 1
Inching towards cases where the same symbol/character/sequence is used for different unit types
#109 opened by brennanyoung - 2
Need for Authors to be able to set Social and Emotional Characteristics of TTS (text to speech)
#114 opened by SuzanneTaylor - 0
Capturing recommendations for implementors
#112 opened by mhakkinen - 1
Use case: UH "Hawaii"
#113 opened by AutoSponge - 3
Need for Voices that Sound Like a Child is Speaking for TTS and Screenreaders
#110 opened by SuzanneTaylor - 1
Unclear in spec
#94 opened by areeveclg - 4
AT support for datetime attribute?
#101 opened by brennanyoung - 2
Roman numerals
#103 opened by michael-roe - 1
Typos in text
#107 opened by faceless2 - 0
Use GitHub Action
#95 opened by plehegar - 1
- 2
Motivation for SSML in HTML over CSS Speech
#99 opened by zcorpan - 5
Check against i18n Review Checklist
#91 opened by ruoxiran - 2
comments from the Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Accessibility Task Force (COGA)
#84 opened by lseeman - 2
Benefits of multi-attribute approach, comments on "Specification for Spoken Presentation in HTML"
#85 opened by Fleker - 1
- 1
- 1
DIfferent rules for different target users?
#89 opened by minorninth - 1
Feedback - Internal development team at RNIB
#92 opened by TOraTErF - 1
- 2
CSS speech
#90 opened by minorninth - 1
Technical approach document review comments
#83 opened by alia11y - 1
Added Implementations Section
#74 opened by mhakkinen - 2
Incorporate Edits (Section 3 and 4)
#77 opened by AutoSponge - 3
Technical approach document editorial changes
#76 opened by alia11y - 0
Need for an Implementation Guide
#73 opened by mhakkinen - 3
The Raven (with audio)
#70 opened by AutoSponge - 1
Pronunciation problem in math
#69 opened by NSoiffer - 1
- 2
Use of SSML in EPUB
#57 opened by murata2makoto - 1
Do we really need "Goal" and "Target Audience" for every implementation approach in Section 3?
#59 opened by murata2makoto - 1
Reference JLreq and Simple Ruby
#58 opened by murata2makoto - 2
Examples are subsets of one example or one block
#55 opened by alia11y - 1
- 2
Use Case: Domain Pronunciation
#50 opened by AutoSponge - 0
Consider adding context attribute through which ATs could ensure correct presentation of content
#67 opened by AutoSponge - 1
SSML in HTML example Text
#65 opened by AutoSponge - 0
Chemistry Examples
#66 opened by mhakkinen - 1
Attribute Based Markup of HTML w/ SSML
#64 opened by areeveclg - 3
- 1
Switching PLS dictionaries
#60 opened by murata2makoto - 0
Introduce references and/or bibliography
#61 opened by murata2makoto - 3
- 0
lang attribute is associated with HTML, not CSS
#45 opened by r12a