- 1
Triple annotation with Parser Tokens
#285 opened by BenjaminHofstetter - 2
How can a data property be restricted to apply only to a specific type of statement?
#284 opened by strawberrylunar - 2
trig-star : grammar and tests are inconsistent
#283 opened by lisp - 9
(tracking) need explicit notes that `<<` and `>>` are not any of the visually similar characters
#282 opened by TallTed - 2
- 2
Question about sparql-star-pattern-9 eval test
#278 opened by rubensworks - 1
Subset of RDF-star without recursion
#277 opened by nichtich - 17
rdf-star and reasoning
#200 opened by VladimirAlexiev - 2
[Question] RDF-star and Nesting Annotations
#276 opened by AdamSobieski - 14
What is the graph of a quoted triple?
#275 opened by tpluscode - 2
deeply nested triples or blank nodes?
#272 opened by valecarriero - 2
Referential opacity entailment examples
#273 opened by RickMoynihan - 0
- 6
- 2
[Question] Indexing strategies for reified triples
#270 opened by jeswr - 1
RDF-star IRI 404
#268 opened by wnybomTNA - 0
Issue with sparql-compare semantics and ORDER BY
#265 opened by kasei - 0
- 1
- 5
- 4
- 0
#261 opened by AdamSobieski - 2
invalid prefix declaration in RDF-star examples
#258 opened by odameron - 7
SPARQL-Star grammar imprecisions
#256 opened by enizor - 1
- 3
Questions regarding to probabilistic RDFs
#252 opened by adielstatman - 0
add the data and time of next call on the web page
#254 opened by pchampin - 2
- 3
reach out to Corese
#241 opened by pchampin - 2
publish a post on the AWS blog
#243 opened by pchampin - 3
reach out to Ontotext and Stardog
#240 opened by pchampin - 2
reach out to Cambridge Semantics (Anzo)
#246 opened by pchampin - 3
links to use cases don't work
#249 opened by rat10 - 9
bad examples in RDF* document
#239 opened by pfps - 7
SPARQL-Star and Property Paths: how to bind RDF triples from path to nested triples of RDF-Star triples?
#248 opened by versant2612 - 2
reach out to RDF4J
#242 opened by pchampin - 1
reach out to Pat Hayes
#244 opened by pchampin - 2
Verify need to update implementation reports
#231 opened by gkellogg - 3
Test report generator failure
#233 opened by afs - 2
- 2
The TriG syntax tests have diverged from Turtle.
#229 opened by afs - 3
paring down the semantics
#220 opened by pfps - 3
referential opacity
#219 opened by pfps - 0
review issues and propose to tag 'later' all but those necessary to finalize report
#207 opened by pchampin - 1
move the TEP entailment regime to §7 and extend it to the rest of the vocabulary
#212 opened by pchampin - 1
improve figure in §1.3
#211 opened by pchampin - 0
draft an introduction paragraph to show the interconnection between the section
#203 opened by pchampin - 0
- 0
Recording security attributes on triples.
#208 opened by afs - 1