- 8
- 1
Review mapping for svg element
#38 opened by scottaohara - 1
Remove mapping table/summary switcheroo
#36 opened by spectranaut - 0
- 3
Browsers off spec? SVG maps to "group" but the spec suggests it should map to "graphics-document"
#22 opened by brennanyoung - 0
- 1
- 2
Define computedrole for the SVG roles table
#24 opened by cookiecrook - 0
- 1
Name and Description section can get out of sync with AccName due to step references
#16 opened by joanmarie - 0
SVG-AAM includes a broken "tree inclusion" anchor in Core-AAM that may have moved to ARIA
#28 opened by cookiecrook - 0
Should concrete shape/object roles like `circle` have a more specific role description?
#30 opened by cookiecrook - 0
Does "no role may be applied" mean "UAs MUST NOT apply a role even if an author supplies one and gets the element rendered"?
#29 opened by cookiecrook - 2
expectations for image tag with aria-label
#25 opened by pkra - 0
- 1
When is the "symbol" element mappable?
#17 opened by joanmarie - 1
Should the mappings of a nested 'svg' be different from that of a root 'svg'?
#18 opened by joanmarie - 5
- 0
Consider removing normative statement regarding "no accessible object created"
#19 opened by joanmarie - 10
- 0
- 0
SVG with ARIA roles
#11 opened by JAWS-test - 1
- 12
Prepare new working draft (February 2018)
#3 opened by AmeliaBR - 0
Fix issues with mapping script
#10 opened by AmeliaBR - 2
- 0
- 0
- 5
Should more mappings be based on Graphics ARIA roles rather than Core ARIA roles?
#1 opened by joanmarie - 0
Add details about aria-roledescription usage
#5 opened by AmeliaBR - 4
Add Ian Pouncey as new co-editor
#4 opened by AmeliaBR