
Organize at least W3C Recommendations in their own section

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Sections for other organizations may also be appropriate.

OR13 commented

I'd be fine for this, but the URL or flare in the table row, seems like they would be enough.

FWIW, the goal was to improve the understanding about what specifications are W3C vetted.

The issue was discussed in a meeting on 2023-08-09

  • no resolutions were taken
View the transcript

2.5. Refer to VC-SPECS-DIR for proof types. (pr vc-data-model#1212)

See github pull request vc-data-model#1212.

Manu Sporny: PR 1212 examples of securing mechanisms in spec. Point to specifications or directory? Need PR about media types?

Orie Steele: VCs with some securing mechanisms, with DI proofs; two specs; or media types; This or that language in DM spec.
… merge media types, refer to them consistently.

Joe Andrieu: this establishes related specs into a privileged position...

Orie Steele: +1 on should to MAY.

Manu Sporny: +1 on SHOULD to MAY conversion.

Ivan Herman: +1 to MAY.

Manu Sporny: securing mechanisms we have vetted here and those not. Anyone can add to specs dir. No review...

Michael Jones: I want XML DSIG.

Manu Sporny: very dangerous thing; any mechanism...

Orie Steele: +1 JoeAndrieu.

Joe Andrieu: I think anything does go; people can come up with new crypto; a directory is okay; our mechanisms are published as recs.

Sebastian Crane: be careful, don't devalue our (WG) opinion.

Kristina Yasuda: safely change to MAY...

Manu Sporny: we don't say what has/hasn't been vetted in registry? The VC DM doesn't say what has been vetted.
… how should we refer to securing mechanisms we have been working on?

Orie Steele: I suggested a concrete change here: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/1212/files#r1279836059.

Manu Sporny: what sections/where to put?

Orie Steele: if media types is merge is will be obvious;.

See github pull request vc-specs-dir#14.

Orie Steele: +1 manu.

Manu Sporny: blocking on Kristina PR 14; create media type in specs dir; then merge.

Orie Steele: I can edit "register to list".

Gabe Cohen: directister.

Joe Andrieu: avoid that directory is a registry.

Ted Thibodeau Jr.: Sorry, I'm slow, I have to re-review most recent changes in #14.

See github issue vc-specs-dir#27.