- Slides are here
- What is Vue.js
- Brief History of Vue.js
- Story: Pinterest for bird watchers is looking to build an app
- App: Getting started with the CLI Tool
- https://cli.vuejs.org/guide/
npm install -g @vue/cli
- App: Create app with Vue CLI 3
vue ui
git checkout 01-vue-cli
- App: Getting started with the CLI Tool
- Story: We need to gauge interest in our app
- App: Build a landing page using a component framework (Vuetify)
- https://vuetifyjs.com/en/
vue add vuetify
git checkout 02-add-vuetify
- App: Hook up email form to mailchimp for email list
git checkout 03-add-landing-mailchimp
- App: Deploy with now.sh
- App: Build a landing page using a component framework (Vuetify)
- Story: Users should see a stream of bird watching photos from the iNaturalist API
- App: List recent bird watching photos
- App: Deploy with now.sh
- App: Search bird watching photos
git checkout 04-stream-bird-photos
- App: View bird sightings on a map
- https://github.com/xkjyeah/vue-google-maps
- https://github.com/xkjyeah/vue-google-maps/blob/vue2/examples/infowindow.html
git checkout 05-map-sightings
- App: Deploy with now.sh
- Story: Users want to sign up and create their own boards
- App: Vue Router for login / sign up / home / dashboard
- App: Add Firebase Login
git checkout 06-firebase-auth
- App: Users can create boards (Firebase Firestore)
- https://github.com/gdg-tangier/vue-firestore
git checkout 07-create-boards
- App: Users can add images to boards
- App: Deploy with now.sh
- Story: Next steps, where do we go from here?
- Other plugins / modules for Vue
- Testing
- Mobile - Quasar / Weex / Native Script
- Awesome Vue
- Vue Meetup
- Awesome Vue
- Other plugins / modules for Vue