OBSOLETE: Guidance about how to provide packages of information on the web.
- aliceIgalia
- AMorgautCapgemini
- auchenberg@stripe
- benfrancis@krellian (ex-Mozilla)
- BigBlueHat@digitalbazaar
- bkardell@Igalia
- chrisbatemanSan Antonio
- cynthia@google
- dconnollySandboxAQ
- diracdeltas@brave
- domenicGoogle
- gamblBBC
- htInEdin
- igrigorikShopify
- ihermanW3C
- jeremyGoupilArolla
- jhcloos
- jscinozSydney
- kenchrisIntel Corporation
- LeaVerouMIT
- martinthomson@mozilla
- matatk
- matthewpThe Astro Technology Company
- maxpassion@w3ctag
- mbofb
- medikooWarsaw, Poland
- plinss
- robincover
- rubysfly.io
- sballesterosDuckDuckGo
- sickingFigma
- staineScience lab, The University of Manchester
- timbl@inrupt
- torgoSamsung Open Source Group
- valentingMozilla
- ylafonW3C