
Using Docker to easy set up your linux based web development environment with all necessary components.

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Linux Docker Image for modern Web Development

An easy way to set up your linux based web development environment with all necessary components. This images uses latest stable build from Debian (stretch)

Table of contents

Included Components

Following Components are included in this docker image

Component Version Description
Node.js 8.4.0 JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine
Yarn 0.27.5 Fast, reliable, and secure dependency management for Node.js
Bower 1.8.0 A package manager for the web
Gulp.js 3.9.1 A JavaScript toolkit used as a streaming build system

Getting started

Before you start, make sure you have a recent version of Docker installed

How to use

Using Dockerfile only

Get Dockerfile docs here

You can find some example files here

Build the Docker image

docker build -t <image-name> .

Run the Docker image and map port

docker run -p <port-on-host>:<port-inside-docker-container> <image-name>

Using Docker Compose

Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. This is recommended for web development as you can use features like hot deployment and live reloading on your local machine

Get Docker Compose docs here

You can find some example files here

Available Tags

This are the available tags to use this runtime

Tag Description
latest Use image build from master branch (recommended)
beta Use image build from develop branch (experimental)

Access web app

Now you can access the web app using http://localhost:<port-on-host>/
