
PyTorch implementation of loop-less YOLOv3 loss

Primary LanguagePythonDo What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL

YOLOv3 in PyTorch

License: WTFPL

A simple pytorch loop-less implementation of yolo loss and non-maximum suppression (NMS) based on torchvision.ops.

In this implementation, the most details follow the darknet implementation except for:

  • The MSE loss of bbox (x, y) is replaced with binary cross entropy.
  • The parameter subdivision is replaced with accumulation. The effective batch size in this implementation is batch_size x accumulation.


Install all required packages:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Pretraind Darknet Weights

  • Download pretrained backbone and 3 full models weights.
    $ cd weights
    $ sh download_weights.sh

MS COCO 2014

  • The script will download MS COCO 2014 and rearrange them into the trainval splits like darknet.
    $ cd data
    $ sh download_coco.sh
    There is a python script which will be executed at the end of download_coco.sh, it needs pycocotool to be installed in advance. If the installation is missed, it was nothing serious. You can manually run python generate_annotations.py inside the directory data to generate darknet annotations in coco format.

Evalutate Darknet Weights on MS COCO 2014

Use --model and --weights to set model architecture and pretrained weights.

python eval.py --model yolov3 --weights ./weights/yolov3.weights --img_size 416
Model AP@.5(darknet) AP@.5 (our) --img_size
yolov3-320 51.5 51.4 320
yolov3-416 55.3 55.3 416
yolov3-608 57.9 58.4 608
yolov3-tiny 33.1 32.8 416
yolov3-spp 60.6 61.0 608

NOTE, the darkent weights for yolov3-tiny was trained with incorrect prior anchors which is listed here. The correct one is showed beside it for the reference.

Inference on Single Image

python demo.py --image ./data/street.jpg --model yolov3 --weights ./weights/yolov3.weights --img_size 418

The resultsis saved as demo.png. Note that the confidence threshold and NMS IoU threshold can be changed by flags --conf_threshold and --nms_threshold respectively.

Train From Scratch

The default training arguments are same as official ones for yolov3.

  • Single GPU training (default to cuda:0)

    python train.py \
      --weights ./wegiths/darknet53.conv.74 \
      --logdir ./logs/yolov3

    Default batch_size=4 and accumulation=16 are designed for single GPU with 8G VRAM.

  • Multi GPU training

    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python train.py \
      --weights ./wegiths/darknet53.conv.74 \
      --logdir ./logs/yolov3 \
      --batch_size 64 \
      --accumulation 1

    The inter-process communication uses port 39846 by default, which can be changed by editing train.py. In my experiments, full 500k iterations takes about 63 hours on a 4xRTX3090 server.

Results on MS COCO 2014 (darknet splits)

Model AP@.5(darknet) AP@.5(our) AP@.5:.95(our)
yolov3-320 51.5 48.5 27.5
yolov3-418 55.3 53.0 30.6
yolov3-608 57.9 54.8 31.7