
Rudder JavaScript SDK

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

What is RudderStack?

Rudder is an enterprise-ready, open-source alternative to Segment, for collecting and routing customer event data. More information on Rudder can be found here.

What is the RudderStack JavaScript SDK?

The RudderStack JavaScript SDK (released under Apache License 2.0) allows you to utilize our rudder-analytics.js library to start sending event data from your website to RudderStack. After integrating this SDK, you will also be able to connect to multiple destinations such as Amplitude, Google Analytics, etc. to send the data.

How to use the RudderStack JavaScript SDK?

This Quick Start Guide will help you get up and running with using the RudderStack JavaScript SDK in no time. You just need to follow the steps below:

Step 1: Install RudderStack using the code snippet

To integrate the SDK, place the following code snippet in the <head> section of your website.

You can use either the minified or non-minified version of the code:

The minified version is as follows:

rudderanalytics=window.rudderanalytics=[];for(var methods=["load","page","track","identify","reset"],i=0;i<methods.length;i++){var method=methods[i];rudderanalytics[method]=function(d){return function(){rudderanalytics.push([d,...arguments])}}(method)}rudderanalytics.load("YOUR_WRITE_KEY","DATA_PLANE_URI"),rudderanalytics.page();

<script  src="https://cdn.rudderlabs.com/rudder-analytics.min.js"></script>

The non-minified version of the code is shown below:

	rudderanalytics = window.rudderanalytics = [];
	var  methods = [

	for (var i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
  		var method = methods[i];
  		rudderanalytics[method] = function (methodName) {
    			return function () {
	rudderanalytics.load("YOUR_WRITE_KEY", "DATA_PLANE_URI");
	//For example,
	//rudderanalytics.load("1Qb1F3jSWv0eKFBPZcrM7ypgjVo", "http://localhost:8080");

<script  src="https://cdn.rudderlabs.com/rudder-analytics.min.js"></script>

NOTE: Whichever version of the code you use, you need to replace YOUR_WRITE_KEY with the write key in the RudderStack Control Plane and DATA_PLANE_URI with the URI of the RudderStack Server/ Data Plane.

You can also execute the min file in async/defer way, like:

<script async src="https://cdn.rudderlabs.com/rudder-analytics.min.js"></script>

Step 2: Identify your users using the identify() method:

The identify() method allows you to link users and their actions to a specific userid.

A sample example of how the identify() method works is as shown:

      { email: "name@domain.com" },
        page: {
          path: "",
          referrer: "",
          search: "",
          title: "",
          url: ""
  () => {console.log("in identify call");}

In the above example, information such as the user ID, email along with contextual information such as IP address, anonymousId, etc. will be captured.

NOTE: There is no need to call identify() for anonymous visitors to your website. Such visitors are automatically assigned an anonymousId.

Step 3: Track your users’ actions using the track() method

The track() method allows you to track any actions that your users might perform.

A sample example of how the track() method works is as shown:

  "test track event GA3",
    revenue:  30,
    currency:  'USD' ,
    user_actual_id:  12345
  () => {console.log("in track call");}

In the above example, the method tracks the event ‘test track event GA3’, information such as the revenue, currency, anonymousId.

You can use this method to track various other success metrics for your website, such as user signups, item purchases, article bookmarks, and much more.

NOTE: To override contextual information, for ex: anonymising IP and other contextual fields like page properties, the following template can be used. Similarly one can override the auto generated anonymousId with provided id. For this:

  "test track event GA3",
    revenue:  30,
    currency:  'USD' ,
    user_actual_id:  12345
    page: {
          path: "",
          referrer: "",
          search: "",
          title: "",
          url: ""
    context: {
      ip:  ""
    anonymousId:  "00000000000000000000000000"
  () => {console.log("in track call");}

And we’re done! You’ve successfully installed rudder-analytics.js tracking. Now you can enable and use any event destination to send your processed event data that you want, in no time at all.

For a detailed technical documentation and troubleshooting guide on the RudderStack’s JavaScript SDK, click here.

Step 4: Check Ready State

There are cases when one may want to tap into the features provide by end destination SDKs to enhance tracking and other functionality. Rudder SDK exposes a ready api with a callback parameter that fires when the SDK is done initialising itself and other third-party native-sdk destinations.


	() => {console.log("we are all set!!!");}


It may happen that the need arises to track most of user interactions with a web-app. It becomes hard for a developer to capture these DOM interactions and make track calls for all. The autotrack feature of Rudder SDK helps in tracking all user interactions like click | change | submit automatically. The data generated will be verbose and to make sense of the data, one can use user transformations from the config-plane to build use-cases like monitoring user journeys etc. For more information and payload structure, click here.

To enable autotracking, make the load call as:

rudderanalytics.load("YOUR_WRITE_KEY", "DATA_PLANE_URI", {useAutoTracking:  true});

By default, the SDK don't capture any DOM element values. To start capturing values, like form field values when submitting the form, other input element values etc, whitelist them using any attribute of the element for which you want to send values, For ex, tracking element values for all elements whose any one attribute is "CLASS_ATTR_NAME":

rudderanalytics.load("YOUR_WRITE_KEY", "DATA_PLANE_URI", {useAutoTracking:  true, valTrackingList: ["CLASS_ATTR_NAME"]});

Self-hosted Config Plane

Since Rudder SDK depends on the config plane for fetching configs like native-sdk enabled destinations etc, if you are self-hosting the config plane, make the load call as:

rudderanalytics.load("YOUR_WRITE_KEY", "DATA_PLANE_URI", {configUrl:  "CONFIG_PLANE_URI"});


You can start adding integrations of your choice for sending data through their JavaScript SDKs.

How to build the SDK

  • Look for run scripts in the package.json file for getting browser minified and non-minified builds. The builds are updated in the dist folder of the directory. Among the others, the important ones are:

    • npm run buildProdBrowser : This outputs rudder-analytics.min.js.
    • npm run buildProdBrowserBrotli: This outputs two files, rudder-analytics.min.br.js (the original minified file, same as above) and rudder-analytics.min.br.js.br (the brotli compressed file).
    • npm run buildProdBrowserGzip: This outputs two files, rudder-analytics.min.gzip.js (the original minified file, same as above) and rudder-analytics.min.gzip.js.gz (the gzipped compressed file).

    We are using rollup to build our SDKs, configuration for it is present in rollup.config.js in the repo directory.

  • For adding or removing integrations, modify the imports in index.js under integrations folder.