
A sitemap plugin for Pelican.

It generates a sitemap.xml according to the specification of and considers the pelican index page, articles, pages and special pages (like tags, categories, authors). Also comes with a XML stylesheet to be able to view the sitemap in browser without pain.

There is also a sitemap plugin within the official pelican plugin repo. The main differences in my package are:

  • the overview pages for tags, pages aso are included
  • there is a stylesheet
  • used dates do not include time

NOTICE: Backwards incompatible changes in 1.0.0:

In version 1.0.0 the package naming has been fixed, it's now called "extended_sitemap" (instead "extended-sitemap") following PEP8. Please adjust your usages in PLUGINS appropriately.

Sources and Status

Pelican settings

Add to the plugins list:


Plugin settings

Add the EXTENDED_SITEMAP_PLUGIN dict to your settings. The keys explained:

  • priorities: priority for each page type, from 0.0 to 1.0
    • index: index page
    • articles: article pages
    • pages: pages
    • others: category, tags and authors pages
  • changefrequencies: how often a page will likely change, possible values: always, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, never

The settings below are the default values:

    'priorities': {
        'index': 1.0,
        'articles': 0.8,
        'pages': 0.5,
        'others': 0.4
    'changefrequencies': {
        'index': 'daily',
        'articles': 'weekly',
        'pages': 'monthly',
        'others': 'monthly',


nose is required to run the tests. Install the package and run with the nosetest command.

The tests fixture files were created with generated content by


see Github release page.


What still has to be implemented:

  • support for multilingual content, see pelican translations (it in fact may work, but I have not tested it)
