Live scores project. [Docker, Kubernetes, RabbitMQ, GraphQL]

Live scores diagram


-LiveScoresCrawlerSource - Created with a web crawler - Connects to rabbitmq and sends found data - Stateless and easily scalable

-LiveScoresAPI - Consumes games from rabbitmq - Serves queries about games using GraphQL - Writes and reads from SQL server (not scalable, preferrably we would have a distributed database and put everything there

Used technologies

  • ASP.NET Core
  • RabbitMQ
    • Give us support of high income of messages
    • If a message cannot be processed it is not being lost
    • Helps us implement Pub/Sub pattern
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
    • Helps us orchestrate our microservices
    • Can easily be hosted in google cloud, aws, etc.
    • We can easily span more istances of our microservices for scalability
  • GraphQL
    • Helps us with flexible queries over games (very simplistic right now)
  • HangFire
    • Used to retrigger crawling of sources
    • Used with an in memory database because the crawling intervals are 1 minute Can be easily changed to SQL db.

Future work

  • Hide all sensitive data. Use environment variables, hashing, etc.
  • Checking for unique games is done in a horrible manner. It pull all of the data in memory and checks it (not scalable in any way)
    • a much better approach would be to use a distributed cache (redis for example) that would hold the games in the last two hours. This way we would be able to scale our data.
  • SQL instance is only one and cannot be replicated. Use a distributed database like cassandra.
    • This is one of the bigger pittfalls in the application as it will limit scalability
  • Configure rabbitmq to be distributed across nodes. Right now in the kubernetes config it spawns only 1 replica.
  • Clean unneccessary usings, comments, code duplication all done in a hurry.
  • Have fun with the project