
Allows creation of random instances of (many) arbitrary classes in Kotlin (JVM only).

Primary LanguageKotlinOtherNOASSERTION


Build and test kotlin-fixture-magic

Allows creation of random instances of (many) arbitrary classes in Kotlin. Works only on JVM.


During testing we often encounter situations where instances of Value classes or domain classes are required in order to test the underlying code. Many times it is not important what the values contain, but that there are actual values the code under test can work with.

This lib allows to create such random instances, without the need to fill in endless constructor arguments.

Another, more specific example could be testing of serialization/deserialization. While oftentimes it is possible to serialize a given instance, deserialization can be much harder, e.g. if deserialization information (like specific types) is missing. In this case one could use this lib in order to simply create random instances with all values filled in order to automate testing of (de-)serialization.


Check the releases/* branches to obtain recent version

Using Gradle


Using Maven



Given the following value types:

data class Car<T : Engine>(val name: String, val age: Short, val engine: T)

interface Engine{
    fun supportsElectricity(): Boolean

data class ElectricEngine(val name: String) : Engine {
    override fun supportsElectricity() = true

Now, in order to create a random instance of Car you would:

val factory = FixtureFactory.build {}

val randomElectricCar = factory.createInstance<Car<ElectricEngine>()


>>> Car(name=name_3#wYu, age=-11130, engine=ElectricEngine(name=name_LVRF)))

Supported Features

  • Creation of primitive types and Strings Boolean, Byte, Char, Short, Int, Long, Float, Double, String
  • Creation of classes / class hierarchies that are instantiable by (private) constructors
  • Enums - an enum's instance is chosen randomly
  • Creation of Arrays - Typed arrays and Kotlin Arrays (like Array<Byte> and ByteArray)
  • Creation of Basic collection classes:
    • Collection - creates list
    • List
    • Set
    • Map
  • Generic Types
  • Creation of some java.time classes like:
    • ZoneId, Instant, LocalDate, LocalDateTime, ZonedDateTime
  • CustomCreators - allow you to manually implement instantiation strategy of types that are not supported out of the box or to override existing behavior for a given type
  • Bulk creation of instances by shared annotation or common super class => FixtureFactory.bulkOperations(..) returns a bulk creation factory
  • Customization of random lengths of primitive values and arrays (not complete) (look what the FixtureFactory.build{} block has to offer)

Custom creators

With CustomCreators you can implement or override the instantiation strategy of a specific type.

In order to do so, implement the interface CustomCreator for the troubling type and register it on creation of the FixtureFactory, like so:

val customStringCreator = object: CustomCreator<String> {
   override fun supports(clazz: KClass<*>) = clazz == String::class
   override fun create(fixtureFactory: FixtureFactory) = "I always want this string"

val factory = FixtureFactory.build{
    customCreators = arrayOf(customStringCreator)

Using the factory, created above, will now always put String instances as defined in customStringCreator.create(..) into any parameters of type String that might be required to build the whole object hierarchy.

The create(..) function gets also the FixtureFactory which allows you to create random instances of parameters that might be necessary to instantiate your custom type.

Bulk creation

Create instances of sub types of SomeSuperType

val bulkFactory = FixtureFactory.build{}.bulkOperations("root.package.to.search")


Create instances of classes annotated with @SomeAnnotation

val bulkFactory = FixtureFactory.build{}.bulkOperations("root.package.to.search")


Worth to know

  • The lib tries to use all constructors of a given type until it finds one that works. While searching for a working constructor, it starts with the one, having the shortest argument size

Known issues / not supported

  • JVM only
  • Creation of arbitrary interface types is not supported (but can be solved by implementing a CustomCreator `)


Suggestions and pull requests are very welcome 💎


Apache License Version 2.0