
A task management api where you can Add, Update, Read and Delete tasks.

Primary LanguageC#

Todo Api

A task management api where you can Add, Update, Read and Delete tasks.


  • GraphQL
  • Rest

Built With


  1. To get started, clone the project.
git clone https://github.com/WaadSulaiman/Todo.Api.git
  1. Change the ConnectionString inside Data/Configurations/Settings/AppSettings.cs.
  2. Do a migration to get the database up and ready.
dotnet ef migrations add InitialMigration --project Data --startup-project Rest
dotnet ef database update --project Data --startup-project Rest
  1. Run.


  • GraphQL => https://localhost:port/graphql/
  • Voyager => https://localhost:port/graphql-voyager
  • Rest => https://localhost:port/swagger/index.html

Enjoy 👍.