
Personal Portfolio Built in HTML,CSS, JS

Primary LanguageHTML

Web Technology Project 2020 (Sakarya University)

A portfolio website which represents me and my country given as a second semester project.


Website can be cloned. For online access click the one following link:
Github Hosted Website
Online Hosted Website

Components of Website

  1. About Me (Hakkımda)
  2. Resume (CV)
  3. My Country (Ülkem)
  4. Heritage (Mirasimiz)
  5. Contact Me (Bana ulaşın! - İletişim bilgilerim)
  6. LogIn! (Giriş)

Built with

  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. Bootstrap CSS
  4. Javascript
  5. PHP

Homework Documents

Ödev dokumanlar Homework Documents folderde koydum.
Documents have been put in the Homework Documents folder.