
To 100 simliar words for the following words:

apple amazon dna innovation data app twitter ranking quantum nuclear weapon president chairman soviet reagan trump biden obama olympic olympics china america ai artificial intelligence neural network language model information retrieval iphone mp3


  • COHA: 1990 - 2019. (yearly or decadely)
  • COCA: 1810 2009 (yearly or decadely)
  • Arxiv: 2007.4 - 2020.4
  • New York time: 1987- 2007
  • New York time from Yao. : 1810 1990

We show results from 9 epoches. The filename is organized as below: {dataset}-{epoch}-{model}-sim_word_log.txt For example: "arxiv.txt.raw.token-1-word_mixed_fixed-sim_word_log.txt", indicates that "arxiv" dataset with model "word_mixed_fixed" in the first epoch.