"CLImate" stands for Command Line Interface mocking and testing enablement.
The idea is to enable simple mocking of Linux system commands. The CLImate.py application reads the CLImate_mocks.json file, which contains mock configuration and is simply defined as "if input params == input" => show "output".
The applications that need to be mocked ought to be created as symlinks in /usr/local/climate and point to CLImate.py e.g. ln -s /usr/local/climate/CLImate.py /usr/local/climate/ls The docker image has a modified environment, so that /usr/local/climate/ is prepended to PATH.
Whenever the user runs an application, the first directory to check is /usr/local/climate, which allows mocking of system commands such as 'ls' for instance.
docker build -t "climate:poc" . docker run climate:poc ls /home/user