
3D Object Recognition with Deep Networks Project for 3D Vision - ETHZ

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

3D Object Recognition with Deep Networks

This is the 3D Object Recognition with Deep Networks Project for the 3D Vision course at ETHZ

What is needed:

#####Input Data/Voxel/Occupancy Grid

  • read 3D CAD Voxel Data transform to Occupancy Grid
  • optional 2.5D Reconstruction (combine multiple 2.5D Representation into new 3D Representation)
  • optional 2.5D & 3D Point Cloud Data to Voxel Data (Project Tango & Extra Training Data Sets)


  • VoxNet Source Code Python - Github
  • Convolutional Neural Network
  • Input Data
    • Rotation Augementation & Voting - Increases Performance when applied
    • Multiresolution Input (not used on ModelNet)
    • 3 Grids - Best Results for Density Grid
      • Density Grid
      • Binary Grid
      • Hit Grid
  • Training: Stoastic Gradient Decent with Momentum
    • learning rate = 0.0001
    • momentum parameter = 0.9
    • batch size = 32
    • learning rate decrease: 10 per 40000 batches.
  • Dropout Regularization after output of each layer
  • Initialization:
    • Convolutional Layers:
      • forward Propagation: zero mean Gaussian with std.dev = sqrt(2/n_l), n_l = dimension(input array(30x30x30) layer l) * input channels layer l
      • backward Propagation: zero mean Gaussion with std.dev = sqrt(2/n*_l), n*_l = dimension(input array(30x30x30)layer l) * input channels layer l-1
    • Dense Layers: zero-mean Gaussion with std.dev=0.01
  • augement training data through randomly pertubed(mirrored/shited) copies
    • mirror along x and y axis
    • shift by -2 to 2 voxels along x and y axis

#####3D Shape Net


  1. Get ModelNet 3D CAD Data & Read & Transform if necessary
  2. Build VoxNet
  3. Build ShapeNet
  4. Train, Validate & Tune
  • Not Sure if Cross Validation works with the mix of 3D Training and 2.5D Validation Data, but i guess there is someway
  • Depending on how much parameters are left to tune and how much GPU power we have this might take a while (it took them 2 days for 40 objects on a cluster)
  1. Test on Spare Data and try to recreate Experiment from Wu et al. & Maturana et al.
  2. optional Maybe try to get some Point Cloud Data from Tango Tablet and test Models against that


TensorFlow (www.tensorflow.org)