This is the source code for the PascaSarjana - UNESA Surabaya. It is a website with a blog application. It also includes full authentication and file uploading, file manager with CKEditor and many more.


The sql dump is in _SQL/pasca.sql


  1. You may install by cloning from github.
  • Github:
    • git clone https://github.com/wachidmudi/pasca.git
    • From a command line open in the folder, run composer install.
  1. Copy .env.example file into .env and configure with your own environment .
  2. Run the migration or just dump pasca.sql file at _SQL folder:
    • For migration run . php artisan migrate
  3. Link storage to public folder with php artisan storage:link.
  4. Finally!
  • For development, you can simply run php artisan serve

Username & Password

Default User and Pass, if you do sql dump Username : alex@doe.com Password : password

Deploy on Nginx Server CentOS

Install php-gd.

  • Run sudo yum install php-gd
  • Install additional localization using sudo locale-gen <NEW LOCALE>, if Indonesian (id) language doesn't exist then carbon will use default language which is English (en)
    • Use locale -a on your production server terminal to check which supported locales you have installed.

