
Primary LanguagePython


Classes and methods for vaclab measurement analysis.


virtual env

> python3 -m venv /path/to/vpy
> cd /path/to/vpy
> source bin/activate

install dependencies

  • python >=3.6
  • for the pandas installation the python header files are needed:
> sudo zypper in python3-devel ## opensuse
> sudo apt-get install python3-dev ## dedian
> cd /path/to/vpy
> source bin/activate
> pip install -r requirements.txt

docu gen

> cd vpy_docs
> sphinx-apidoc -f -M -o source/ ../vpy
> make html

run script with file

> python se3_fm_eval.py --file test_doc/fm_doc.json

run script with database

> python se3_fm_eval.py --id 'doc-id'

unit tests

> python runner.py

code coverage tool

> coverage run --source vpy -m unittest vpy/*_test.py
> coverage html
> firefox htmcovindex.html


To run a script by means of the relayServer use a task like:

>  {
>    "Action": "EXECUTE",
>    "TaskName": "eval_state",
>    "Cmd": "cd /usr/local/share/vpy/ && source bin/activate && python se3_eval_state_doc.py -s --log=e"
>  }