
Custom-map Brightness, Volume, and Media Control keys (Play/Pause/Next) on Windows.

Primary LanguagePowerShell


The actual download is on the Releases page.

What is it?

An AutoHotkey-powered installer for Windows that configures which keys you want to press to adjust brightness, volume, and/or media controls (Play/Pause, Next track, Previous track).

How to Use

Run the installer each time you want to re-map your keys. For function keys, just type "F" followed by the number (e.g., "F12") during installation. You can reference this list of special keys if needed.

How Does it Work/How to Edit?

A Windows Task is scheduled that runs BrightKeyMap.exe on logon of any user, which is a compiled executable of an .ahk AutoHotkey script. You can download and edit the .ahk from the repo.


Install your latest hardware drivers.

  • Make sure your hardware actually supports OS-level brightness adjustments (typically portable PC's).
    • If you have a desktop monitor, you probably need to adjust brightness using its physical buttons. Further brightness adjustments on desktop [and any other] monitors can be made with f.lux's alt+PgUp/alt+PgDown hotkeys.
  • Make sure you configured the Keys correctly during setup: Reference this list and make sure you did not duplicate mapped keys (i.e., Didn't map F2 to 2 functions, like both "Volume Up" and "Play/Pause" for example).


If this is potentially useful to anyone out there, I assume there's modifications and incompatibilities people would like tweaked, so email me or create GitHub Issues, or download the AutoHotkey script from the repo and edit it yourself.

2021-2022 Wade Murdock



(Credit: qwerty12's LaptopBrightnessSetter)