
A simple way to use Github Oauth to serve a protected jekyll site to your GitHub organization

Primary LanguageRuby

Jekyll Auth

A simple way to use GitHub OAuth to serve a protected Jekyll site to your GitHub organization

Gem Version Build Status

The problem

Jekyll and GitHub Pages are awesome, right? Static site, lightning fast, everything versioned in Git. What else could you ask for?

But what if you only want to share that site with a select number of people? Before, you were SOL. Now, simply host the site on a free, Heroku Dyno, and whenever someone tries to access it, it will Oauth them against GitHub, and make sure they're a member of your Organization. Pretty cool, huh?


  1. A GitHub account (one per user)
  2. A GitHub Organization (of which members will have access to the Jekyll site)
  3. A GitHub Application (you can register one for free)
  4. A Heroku account (you can technically use this elsewhere, but the instructions are for Heroku)

Getting Started

Create a GitHub Application

  1. Navigate to the GitHub app registration page
  2. Give your app a name
  3. Tell GitHub the URL you want the app to eventually live at. If using a free Heroku account, this will be something like http://my-site.herokuapp.com
  4. Specify the callback URL; should be like this: https://my-site.herokuapp.com/auth/github/callback; note that this is https, not http.
  5. Hit Save, but leave the page open, you'll need some of the information in a moment

Remember the 'my-site' part for later on when using heroku create. Also, my-site is often called 'app-name' in Heroku documenation.

Add Jekyll Auth to your site

  1. Within your new site repository or orphaned github branch (the branch could be named anything except 'gh-pages' since this would then be public on github!), add gem 'jekyll-auth' to your Gemfile or if you don't already have a Gemfile, create a file called Gemfile in the root of your site's repository with the following content:
source "https://rubygems.org"

gem 'jekyll-auth'
  1. cd into your project's directory and run bundle install. If you get an error using bundle install, see Troubleshooting below.

  2. Run bundle exec jekyll-auth new which will copy the necessary files to set up the server

Setting up hosting with Heroku


Run bundle exec jekyll-auth setup --client_id XXX --client_secret XXX --org_id XXX

(or --team_id XXX)


  1. You may need to add and commit the files generated by jekyll-auth new to Git before continuing
  2. Make sure you have the Heroku toolbelt installed
  3. Run heroku create my-site from your site's directory; make sure my-site matches what you specified in the Githup application registration above.
  5. git push heroku, or if you are maintaining the site in an orphaned branch of your github repo (say 'heroku-pages'), do git push heroku heroku-pages:master
  6. heroku open to open the site in your browser

Finding the team ID

If you need help finding a team's numeric ID, you can use the jekyll-auth team_id command.

For example, to find the team ID for @jekyll/maintainers you'd run the command:

jekyll-auth team_id --org jekyll --team maintainers

You'll want to add a personal access token to your .env file so that Jekyll-Auth can make the necessary API request, but the command will run you through the process if you dont.



Don't want to require authentication for every part of your site? Fine! Add a whitelist to your Jekyll's config.yml file:

    - drafts?

jekyll_auth.whitelist takes an array of regular expressions as strings. The default auth behavior checks (and blocks) against root (/). Any path defined in the whitelist won't require authentication on your site.

What if you want to go the other way, and unauthenticate the entire site except for certain portions? You can define some regex magic for that:

    - "^((?!draft).)*$"

There is also a more extensive article containing installation instructions for Jekyll-Auth and a second one on how to find your GitHub team ID.

Requiring SSL

If you've got SSL set up, simply add the following your your _config.yml file to ensure SSL is enforced.

  ssl: true

Using a custom 404

Just like GitHub Pages, Jekyll Auth will honor a custom 404 page, if it's generated as /404.html in the built site.

Running locally

Want to run it locally?

Without authentication

Just run jekyll serve as you would normally

With authentication

  1. export GITHUB_CLIENT_ID=[your github app client id]
  2. export GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET=[your github app client secret]
  3. export GITHUB_ORG_ID=[org id] or export GITHUB_TEAM_ID=[team id] or export GITHUB_TEAM_IDS=1234,5678
  4. jekyll-auth serve

Pro-tip #1: For sanity sake, and to avoid problems with your callback URL, you may want to have two apps, one with a local oauth callback, and one for production if you're going to be testing auth locally.

Pro-tip #2: Jekyll Auth supports dotenv out of the box. You can create a .env file in the root of site and add your configuration variables there. It's ignored by .gitignore if you use jekyll-auth new, but be sure not to accidentally commit your .env file. Here's what your .env file might look like:


Under the hood

Every time you push to Heroku, we take advantage of the fact that Heroku automatically runs the rake assets:precompile command (normally used for Rails sites) to build our Jekyll site and store it statically, just like GitHub pages would.

Anytime a request comes in for a page, we run it through Sinatra (using the _site folder as the static file folder, just as public would be normally), and authenticate it using sinatra_auth_github.

If they're in the org, they get the page. Otherwise, all they ever get is the bouncer.

Upgrading from Jekyll Auth < 0.1.0

  1. cd to your project directory
  2. rm config.ru
  3. rm Procfile
  4. Remove any Jekyll Auth specific requirements from your Gemfile
  5. Follow the instructions above to get started
  6. When prompted, select "n" if Heroku is already set up


  • ERROR: YOUR SITE COULD NOT BE BUILT during install, either locally or on Heroku. You likely need to add exclude: [vendor] to _config.yml in your branch's root directory (create the file if it does not exist already). If you still have problems on the local install, you may have better luck using bundle install --deployment, but be sure to add the resulting 'vendor' directory to .gitignore. For completeness, the full error may look something like this:
remote:        Configuration file: none
remote:                     ERROR: YOUR SITE COULD NOT BE BUILT:
remote:                            ------------------------------------
remote:                            Invalid date '0000-00-00': Post '/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/jekyll-2.5.3/lib/site_template/_posts/0000-00-00-welcome-to-jekyll.markdown.erb' does not have a valid date in the filename.
  • Pushing to heroku. If you are working from a new github-cloned repo (where you have not run heroku create), you may also want to push to heroku. You do not add the remote in the standard way using git, but instead do this:
heroku git:remote -a my-site