
Preview media files in the shell

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Output file preview directly in terminal. Currently can only output via iTerm2 control codes.

WARNING: This is a quick proof of concept hack


  • Video by showing frames
  • Audio by showing wave form
  • Images
  • SVG
  • Graphviz

ffcat demo ffcat demo


Make sure you have a reasonably modern ffmpeg, inkscape, rsvg and graphviz in $PATH.


# build and install latest master
go install github.com/wader/ffcat@master
# copy binary to $PATH if needed
cp "$(go env GOPATH)/bin/ffcat" /usr/local/bin


Use with watchexec etc

watchexec -- "... | ffcat -c"

-c makes iTerm2 clear the buffer to not run out of memory, same as echo -e '\x1b]1337;ClearScrollback\x07'.

Plot using gnuplot

# format is whitespace separated x y values
echo -e "1 3\n2 4\ne\n" | gnuplot -e "set terminal png; plot '-' using 1:2 w l" | ffcat

Show PDF page

pdftocairo -f 1 file.pdf -png -singlefile - | ffcat

Show go mod depedency graph

go mod graph | (echo 'digraph {'; sed 's/\(.*\) \(.*\)/"\1" -> "\2"/'; echo '}') | ffcat

TODO and ideas

  • Ok to use stderr to talk to iterm2? seem to work, makes it possible to pipe
  • iterm2 clean buffer argument?
  • Rename? is not really concatinating
  • Combine wave form and spectragram?
  • Silent/verbose output
  • Pipe input, have to buffer?
  • Timeline grid
  • Seek from end support. -20: etc?
  • Stats, loudness etc?
  • Proper seek and frame select
  • Select frames syntax?
  • Render subtitles?
  • Sixel output
  • ANSI output
  • PNG output if not a terminal