Multi-arch docker image with ffmpeg/ffprobe binaries built as hardened static PIE binaries with no external dependencies
- artworklv
- ccampbellNew York, NY
- cirias
- coostax
- depado@leboncoin
- fabiant7tschnee von morgen webTV GmbH
- forresthopkinsaAWS
- garethgeorge
- gldraphael
- GounlafAlphanetworks
- gurre@Annevo @Annsec
- hmqgg
- jugatsuMoscow
- ksinica@scylladb
- leopku
- lileisevenCodAges Network
- mathieu-aubinMontreal, Quebec, Canada
- mmgueroIdaho, USA
- moriak
- nitinthewizAutoMedia
- optimanKyiv, Ukraine
- otsomkalov
- owlwangACRCloud
- parthibx24thoughts
- pkeuterPK Producties
- pyldin601ODDITY
- r1N0Xmk2
- rajaravivarma-r
- reubensjohn
- Sepera-okeqOpen Source
- spirit3189San francisco
- therealt3nzin
- Xiaozhuangzhuang
- yuripave9GAG
- ZloyDyadkaMTS DIGITAL (UGC Video Platform)
- znorris@ScoreVision