
OpenPose wrapper written in C++ and C# for Windows

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Alt text OpenPose.Net GitHub license

OpenPose wrapper written in C++ and C# for Windows
OpenPoseDotNet is .NET Standard library. It could work on Mac and Linux.

⚠️ Warning

OpenPoseDotNet adopts MIT license but OpenPose doesn't. OpenPose adopts other license and it allows to use for only ACADEMIC OR NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION NONCOMMERCIAL RESEARCH.
I never guarantee that the license issue will not occur by using OpenPoseDotNet.


Package NuGet
OpenPoseDotNet NuGet version

Quick Start

1. Build

You can sepcify Visual Studio vesion and CUDA version.

> cd <OpenPoseDotNet_dir>
> git submodule update --init --recursive
> cd src\OpenPoseDotNet.Native
> pwsh Build.ps1 <Debug/Release> <cpu/cuda> 64 desktop <2015/2017/2019> <92/100/101>

After build, you should see artifacts in src\OpenPoseDotNet.Native\build_win_desktop_<cpu/cuda>_x64<Debug/Release>.

2. Try Tutorial

> cd examples\TutorialApiCpp\01_BodyFromImageDefault
> SymlinkBinary.bat <Debug/Release> build_win_desktop_<cpu/cuda>_x64
> dotnet run -c Release  -i "examples\media\COCO_val2014_000000000192.jpg"


Currently, Windows prebuild binary is not available.

Dependencies Libraries and Products

License: The 3-clause BSD License

Author: Google

Principal Use: The commandline flags processing for OpenPose and OpenPoseDotNet.


Author: Carnegie Mellon University Perceptual Computing Lab

Principal Use: A toolkit for Real-time multi-person keypoint detection library for body, face, hands, and foot estimation. Main goal of OpenPoseDotNet is what wraps OpenPose by C#.

License: MS-.NET-Library-JS License

Author: Microsoft

Principal Use: Command-line parsing for example application

License: The 3-clause BSD License

Author: Intel Corporation, Willow Garage, Itseez

Principal Use: OpenPose and OpenPoseDotNet uses to read and show image data.