
Hack your mac into Munki or Casper

Primary LanguageShell

Bootstrap Injector

Single user mode is ready to use on all macs out of the box. You could type out a script to enroll your mac, but that would take a while. Enter the usb rubber ducky. The ducky shows up as a keyboard and can be programed to type what ever you want, using its 60mhz micro processor.

Getting Started

  • Buy yourself a USB rubber ducky from here.
  • Install homebrew if you don't have it already.
  • Install dfu-programmer.
brew install dfu-programmer
  • Clone this project
git clone https://github.com/waderobson/bootstrap-injector.git
cd bootstrap-injector

This project relies on a custom firmware and encoder tool created by USB rubber ducky community member midnitesnake. This firmware enables us to mount the contents of the SD card, as well as inject keystrokes. We'll need to grab those files and put them in our working directory.

curl -L -O https://github.com/midnitesnake/USB-Rubber-Ducky/raw/master/Firmware/Images/c_duck_v2.1.hex
curl -L -O https://github.com/midnitesnake/USB-Rubber-Ducky/raw/master/Encoder/encoder.jar

Flash the firmware

To flash the firmware plug the ducky in with the button down. You'll know if your in dfu mode because it will be plugged in and the light will be off. Now issue the following commands;

Erase the firmware

sudo dfu-programmer at32uc3b1256 erase

Flash the new firmware

sudo dfu-programmer at32uc3b1256 flash \
 --suppress-bootloader-mem c_duck_v2.1.hex

Reset the ducky

sudo dfu-programmer at32uc3b1256 reset

Create inject.bin

The inject.bin file is the file that does the typing.
To create it we need at least java 7. We use the encoder and the DUCKSCRIPT.TXT file.

/Library/Internet\ Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home/bin/java -jar encoder.jar -i DUCKSCRIPT.TXT -o usb/inject.bin

Edit bootstrap.sh

Open bootstrap.sh in your favourite text editor and fill in whatever your going to use for your environment. If your using munki don't worry about the casper section and vice versa.


If you want to use wifi uncomment it in bootstrap.sh and either edit wifi. mobileconfig to have your SSID and PASS or drop in your own mobileconfig file.

Copy to ducky

Now you should have everything you need to start playing. Copy the contents from the usb folder to the ducky's SD card. I use rsync.

rsync -a usb/ /Volumes/Untitled/

The ducky should have come with a SD card reader so you can use that. I find its easier to just plug the ducky in with my cursor ready in a text editor, wait until its done typing and then copy the files over. Pulling the SD card in and out all the time can be a pain.