
New docs for WADMP in vuepress

Primary LanguageVue

WebAccess/DMP Documentation

Source code of docs.wadmp.com. Written in Markdown, using vuepress static site generator. Admin of the project: jan.svoboda@advantech.com

To install locally for adding content:


Install and run:

  • Clone this repo
  • To install dependencies, run this command in root folder of this repo
npm ci
  • To run local server, run this command in root folder of this repo
npm run dev

Note: Already added content (files, pages) reactively change in the browser, but the web is overall statically generated (front page, menus, sidebars), so when adding new content you need to re-run the generation of static content by stopping the dev server (ctrl + C) and run "npm run dev" again.

  • To build your changes before pushing your branch:
npm run build

This creates production build files in the docs folder. Always commit both your changes in source files (src) and built content (docs)

To contribute:

Anyone is allowed to contribute via pull requests. First, send your request to contribute to jan.svoboda@advantech.com, with your github account info (github account email or name). You will be then enabled to create the pull requests.
