
A project made for the Udacity's Fullstack Developer Nanodegree program with the goal of understanding how the web applications are hosted, and how to configure& turning a bare bones, Linux server into the secure and efficient web server host the web applications need. With Apache, Postgresql, and mod_WSGI, to host the Catalog App Web Application that supports user registration, and authentication system, ability to post, edit and delete for users' items. And make APIs requests.


This is the documentation of the Project: Linux Server Configuration linked to the Configuring Linux Web Servers course, which is part of Udacity's Fullstack Developer Nanodegree program.

My Linux Server is Ubuntu Xenial and configured as follows:

IP address:
SSH port: 2200
URL to my web application:

The installed software via system package manager: apt-get as follows:


The installed software via Python package installer: pip as follows:

sudo -H pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt

The summary of configurations made:

  1. Update all system packages.

  2. Applying the security rule of Least Privilege, by disable root user remote login, stop logging in with password and use public key instead, finally adding some rules to the firewall.

  3. Configure Apache to handle requests using the WSGI module, by editing the: /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf add the following lines at the end of: <VirtualHost *:80>:

    <VirtualHost *:80>
      #... other lines above
      # Add the following:
      # Turn on the wsgi pass authorization
      # Turn on handle requests using the wsgi module
      # Telling mod_wsgi to execute the flask application
      WSGIPassAuthorization On
      WSGIDaemonProcess itemcatalogapp user=www-data group=www-data threads=5
      WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/FLASKAPPS/itemcatalogapp/itemcatalogapp.wsgi
      <Directory /var/www/FLASKAPPS/itemcatalogapp>
              WSGIProcessGroup itemcatalogapp
              WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
              Require all granted
  4. Configure Postgresql, by creating a new database: catalog as follows:

    • Firstly: add a new system user: catalog , and full name: PostgreSQL user:
    sudo adduser catalog
    • Secondly: creating the new database user: catalog & its associated database: catalog:
    sudo su postgres -c 'createuser -dRS catalog'
    sudo su catalog -c 'createdb'
    • Thirdly: assign a password for the created database user: catalog:
    sudo su - postgres
    psql -U postgres catalog
    ALTER ROLE catalog PASSWORD 'ccatalog';
    • Fourth: creating a database user for www-data its the default system user for Apache on Ubuntu:
    sudo su postgres -c 'createuser -dRS www-data'
    • Fifth: making the database user www-data as a database supper user in order to be able to execute queries on the catalog database:
    sudo su - postgres
    psql -U postgres catalog
    ALTER ROLE "www-data" with SUPERUSER;

The list of third-party services:

  • xip.io service to get a DNS name that refers to my server's public IP address, for ex.: resolves to that needed for set up OAuth for the web application.