This repoistory help me to setup project fast with authentication basd on Knox DB connection Mysql
get docker desktop
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d --build
Acceses it on localhost without any port by defualt 80 because of Nginx proxy
To Run project to local machine you should install Poetry as environment
$ pip install poetry
$ poetry shell
$ python runserver 8000
$ python makemigrations
$ python migrate
Acceses it on localhost with port 8000
Here some notes about run project:
In file .env.example copy .env.example .env
[1] You will find all the environment variables for Docker file Don't Change Environment variables belongs to Mysql Just put your values
[2] Don't change value MYSQL_DATABASE_HOST if you wan't change it go to docker compose file and change the container name of image Mysql
[1] access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' to test_mydatabase
if your database called Ecoomerce then it will be like test_Ecomerce so change test_mydatabase to test_Ecomerce
$ docker exec -it bee-db-1 bash
# mysql -u root -p
Will be ask for password should be in env file `MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD`
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `test_mydatabase`.* TO 'mysqluser'@'%';
Don't forget the test_mydatabase may be not be the same